Chapter Eighteen

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When he got to his apartment however, Kong was already there. He was freshly showered and looking through the fridge to find something to eat.

"What'd I tell you about touching my kitchen," Arthit said, coming up behind his boyfriend and hugging him from behind.

Kong chuckled and leaned his head back to kiss his boyfriend's cheek.

"I'm hungry P," he complained.

"You know I barely keep anything nowadays. I can go back out and get us food."

Kong turned in his boyfriend's arms. He could see immediately the exhaustion in Arthit's face. Not to mention he had bags under his eyes.

"No P, you're tired. I'll order us something."

Instead of denying Kong the opportunity to pay for their meal, Arthit kissed his boyfriend and nodded.

"I'll go take a shower," Arthit said.

Arthit cleaned himself diligently and even prepped himself while in the shower. There was no way he was going to top. He was too damn tired. And if he couldn't pleasure Kong correctly, he didn't even want to try. Especially since Kong would be too nice about telling him the truth.

When he was finished showering, the food had already arrived and Kong was waiting on him to eat. Arthit was excited to see the pink milk on the table since he hadn't had any after work. He grabbed it up and immediately began sucking it up.

"Jeez P," Kong chuckled.

"Don't start with me," Arthit grumbled.

Kong laughed loudly and Arthit could only smile and continue drinking but this time slower. Things were quiet as they ate until Kong cleared his throat.

"How come you were so late P? I didn't expect to beat you here," Kong said.

Arthit stopped mid chew. He really didn't want to withhold anything from his boyfriend and he just hoped they wouldn't end up arguing.

"You might get mad at me," Arthit sighed. "But I was with Mild. I took her home."

This time it was Kong who stopped mid chew. After a moment he swallowed and shot Arthit an evil look.

"You must think I'm playing around with you P'Arthit."

"It's not like what you're thinking Kong. I caught one of the other employees trying to force themself on her. No one else was around and I wasn't just going to let a man do that to a woman. I stopped him and she was pretty shaken up so I drove her home then took a cab here. We barely spoke to each other on the ride, she was so upset. You can be angry if you want but I'm not going to apologize for helping her with something like that."

Kong just looked at him. "I love that you think I'll be upset at you for helping someone with something like that."

"You are upset."

"Because I thought we were just talking with her but now that you explained it, I don't have a reason to be upset," Kong replied.

"I'm relieved. And I'm sorry I thought you'd be mad but I know how you feel about her."

"It's alright, forget it."

They finished their dinner in silence and after demolishing his pink milk, Arthit went to brush his teeth before he got into bed. Kong then went to brush his teeth and when he was done, he turned off the lights and got in bed next to Arthit. Arthit immediately cuddled against his boyfriend, putting his head in Kong's chest. He waited for Kong to make a move but he didn't.

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