Chapter Eleven

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Arthit was desperate. The tearful expression he saw on Kong's face etched into his mind as he stood in the doorway, completely speechless. The worse had happened. Uncaring of Mild, Arthit yanked and hit her off him, throwing her to the ground. She fell with a thump, and laid there unmoving for a moment and then she finally curled into a ball and snuggled onto the floor as if it was the softest bed either. Arthit glared down at her, feeling his anger peak. Did she really have to get drunk tonight? Did she really have to put Arthit in this predicament?

Shaking his head, Arthit rushed out of his apartment. He saw Kong hurrying down the hall and ran to catch up with him. He didn't make it in time however, and Kong was already in the elevator. Thankfully, since he was only on the fourth floor, Arthit flew down the stairs, jumping over three at time until he was in the lobby. Kong was already in the lobby and heading outside before Arthit made it. Running, Arthit caught Kong outside, grabbing onto his hand.

Kong turned around and pushed Arthit away from him, heading to the parking garage where his bike was. Arthit didn't give up. He kept pulling at his boyfriend to get him to stop.

"Kong please listen to me," Arthit begged.

"Let...go..." Kong sobbed.

"No, not until you hear me out!"

Kong was fighting him, constantly shoving Arthit away each time Arthit tried to grab for him.

"Don't touch me!" Kong yelled at him.

Arthit stood there frozen. His Kong was yelling at him.

"Please Kong...let me explain. I didn't do anything. I swear." He reached for Kong again and this time Kong let Arthit grab onto his arms. Kong sobbed softly, looking at Arthit deeply.

"What were you planning to do with her?" Kong sobbed. "If I hadn't come and waited here for you...would you really..."

"Kong no," Arthit shook his head. "She's drunk Kong. I don't know where she lives and she wouldn't answer me she's just too drunk. And I wanted to get home on time so I just brought her back to my place. She's behaving that way because she's not thinking clearly and she thinks that I'm her crush. She told me about him during our dinner. I'm sorry you had to see that Kong. I really am. But I promise I didn't touch her or initiate this or would do anything with her."

Kong was trembling as he sniffled, looking deeply at Arthit to sense any lies.

"Come back inside with me Kong. It's too late, you shouldn't drive especially in this condition. I don't want you to get into an accident. Please just stay with me tonight."

"But you have her there," Kong said lowly, his voice hoarse.

"I don't care. Please don't leave like this."

After a moment, Kong nodded his head. Arthit smiled in relief and took Kong's hand, guiding him back inside. They were quiet the entire time. Upon returning to Arthit's room, Kong saw that Mild was sprawled on the floor snoring. He could smell the alcohol wafting from her and that allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief. His P was telling the truth. Mild was drunk. At least part of him felt slightly relieved. He was still feeling upset that he even got to witness his boyfriend like that. What if he never came to see Arthit? Would Arthit tell him that this ever happened?

"I'll take her to the bed and put her down," Arthit explained to Kong. Kong didn't respond, just looked at Arthit and blinked. He didn't know what to say or to feel.

" it okay that I—touch her?" Arthit asked.

"Do whatever you want," Kong replied lowly. "My permission on touching her clearly didn't stop you before. Clearly you were okay with her having her legs wrapped around you that intimately. Don't stop on my account now."

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