Chapter Thirteen

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The lovers slowly came awake around noon Saturday, waking up in each other's arms. They smiled at each other.

"Hi," Arthit smiled.

"Hi," Kong smiled.

Arthit rubbed his nose against Kong's nose then kissed his lover gently.

"Thank you for coming back," Arthit whispered.

"I thought I needed space from you. And at first I did, but I think I just wanted you to miss me. Seeing you with a girl brings up insecurities," Kong explained.

Arthit rubbed his nose against Kong's nose again. "I love you," he mumbled.

"Love you too P."

"Do you want to do anything today or would you like to just rest?" Arthit asked him.

"Let's do something today P. I think we'll both get bored if we don't do anything," Kong replied.

"Okay. I'll order us some lunch. I don't have anything here to cook." Arthit went to get out of bed. Kong pulled on Arthit's arm tenderly.

"Hm?" Arthit asked laying back down.

"Did you tell that girl what I said?" Kong asked.

"Yeah, and she reacted just as I thought she would. She was just drunk Kong. Don't penalize her over it. I can still talk to her, right?"

"No, you can't," Kong replied firmly.


"Yesterday morning, when you woke up with morning wood, she was looking at it," Kong told him.

Arthit looked at Kong and bit his lips. "But isn't it normal that a woman—"

"And biting her lips," Kong cut him off. "I don't care if its just a womanly instinct thing when they see a dick because they're attracted to men. She was lusting after you."

"I have also looked at woman's breasts like that before. I don't think she meant any harm by it," Arthit tried to plead her case. Kong didn't answer. Instead, he just glared at his boyfriend and Arthit knew he'd better back off.

"I'll keep my distance from her," Arthit mumbled quietly.

Kong smiled brightly. "I'm glad you see it my way P. Though if you continued to argue with me, I would just fuck you into submission." Kong gave him a sweet smile.

"Look at you. How can you look so sweet but say things like that?" Arthit exclaimed.

"Because of how I know you'll react to it," Kong smiled suggestively and reached under the covers to cup Arthit's growing length. Arthit trembled.

"Kong," he panted. " you want to do it?"

"I want to...but I think we should at least spend the day together first."

Arthit looked disappointed but he nodded.

"About the condom thing," Arthit mumbled.

Kong sighed hard.

"I just want to know if you trust me or not. If not then I just need to earn your trust again, right?" Arthit asked.

"P, I wanted to wear a condom because I was feeling petty," Kong admitted. "It's not that I don't trust you, but I wanted to make you feel insecure too. I figured, if I took back the trust we've earned with each other then you would feel how I did. I knew that if I wore a condom you would feel guilty, that you would overthink and second guess what was going on between us. And I also don't feel like you deserve my undying trust." Kong inhaled then exhaled slowly. "P, I think I want to go back to wearing condoms for now, just until I'm completely over this entire thing. I'm not trying to upset you P at all and I don't want—"

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