Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Fuck." Kong cursed to himself as he rolled over onto his stomach on his bed. When he came home from school, he took a shower and he immediately got in bed as he was tired as hell and it was already late. Now he was lying in bed completely and totally horny.

It was already two weeks since Arthit's 'let's take a break from having sex' idea. The first week wasn't so bad, but now his body was aching because by now, he would have had at least three orgasms from his boyfriend already. The beach trip was the next day and Kong was excited to get his boyfriend with him for a little while. At least he could get a hand job if he begged for it. He'd jerked off in the shower but that nearly wasn't enough. He needed some action from his boyfriend or else his balls were going to go numb and fall off.

While he was laying there, Kong reached from his phone to call his P. Arthit answered the call after a few rings.

"Kong, are you home?" Arthit asked him.

"Yes. Just showered and laid down. Are you working? It sounds busy in your background."

"Ah yes, I had to tour a factory with P'Earth and then I had to come to production to help out. There's so much going on here and of course John hasn't helped. In fact...he scheduled a product delivery and supply cataloging at such a bad fucking time," Arthit sighed.

"What do you mean?" Kong asked.

"I—I was going to call you later when I got home but...John has given me too much work Kong and even P'Danai is counting on me to help. Everyone is coming into work this weekend P. I can't—I can't be at the beach with you this weekend."

Kong was silent. Again, he knew he couldn't rightfully be upset because his boyfriend had to work. But his heart was outweighing his brain. Especially since Kong was looking forward to spending some alone time at such a beautiful place with his lover.

"Kong? Kong are you mad?" Arthit asked.

"Mmm, more disappointed than mad P," Kong admitted. "I miss you and I want to see you. Our sex dates have been cancelled so we haven't seen each other all week."

"But we saw each other last week and we had some good dates Kong. And we talk more on the phone."

It was true, with knowing they weren't relying on sex to make up for lost time and frustration, they indeed spoke to each other on the phone more often and their dates on the weekend were fun as they tried new things together.

"I just wanted to be away with you this weekend Arthit. That's all," Kong sighed.

"I understand and I'm sorry Kong."

"It's alright. I'm gonna get dinner and go to sleep P. Tomorrow is a busy day for me. Good night."

Kong hung up the phone and tried to will away his disappointment. He couldn't blame his boyfriend for this.

The next morning, Kong was up early and at the university preparing to leave for the beach. The other hazing team members were there just as early for Kong to assign them groups of first years to look after. By 11 that morning all the first years had arrived and the trip went underway. Though everything was hectic, Kong's mind was firmly on his boyfriend. Going on this beach trip reminded him when he was just a first year and he was finally clear on what he felt for his head hazer. Hell, he had even decided to give Arthit his gear without even really thinking of the repercussions. He was just following his feelings. Now, he just wished he could have Arthit with him.

Since he was the head hazer, he tried to seem enthusiastic and not that his mind was miles away. He sent Arthit some messages but knowing how busy his boyfriend was, he didn't really expect an answer.

To Love or To LoseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora