Chapter Five

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Something sweet and minty blew across Arthit's face, slowly waking him from his slumber. He swatted away the nuisance and tried to fall back into his slumber but that sweet and minty air blew into his ear.

"Go away," Arthit groaned.

"It's time to wake up P, or you'll be late for work," Kong said softly. "I've already ironed your shirt and made you breakfast. Come on P." He patted Arthit's bottom softly which earned him a scowl. Arthit looked back at his boyfriend, glaring at him.

"I'm gonna kill you," Arthit threatened.

"P! I'm sorry! I-I told you it felt so good without the barrier between us. I couldn't-" Kong blushed. "I couldn't help myself," he mumbled.

Arthit had given his boyfriend the two round limit and of course Kongpob being the insatiable lover he was, wrecked Arthit four times that night. Now, Arthit had to go into work and his back and hips were terribly sore. However, it could have been much worse. As much as it embarrassed him, Arthit was too weak to fight Kong off so he let Kong apply a pain ointment to his area and then Kong massaged his hips and back with a muscle cream that smelled of peppermint.

Because of that he wasn't in as much pain as he could have been but still, he was sore. Kong rubbed Arthit's lower back gently.

"I didn't-I didn't mean to force you," Kong mumbled.

Arthit looked at his boyfriend quickly. "Force? Kong why do you talk such nonsense?" Arthit slowly sat up and took Kong's face into his hands.

"Don't think like that Kong. If I really didn't want it, I would have told you and you would have stopped. I'm never afraid of you when it comes to that. I'm complaining because I don't want to be sore at work but I really-really enjoyed last night Kong." Just for assurance, he kissed Kong quickly then shoved him away and rolled out of bed.

After his shower, Arthit was greeted with breakfast. Kong was a horrible cook but for steamed eggs and rice, he was good at it. He ate his breakfast while Kong drank his soy milk and had his Chinese donut.

"Are you guys on track with hazing?" Arthit asked his boyfriend.

"Yes. Capture the flag will be soon and then the beach trip. Do you think you'll be able to make it P?" Kong asked.

"The capture the flag, I can try to come right after work. I should make it in time for the wrist tying if not, before that. And the beach trip will be on the weekend so I can come to that," Arthit replied.

Kong smiled brightly at him. "Most of those juniors already know of you and the other hazers from my batch so they'll be excited to meet up in person and for you to hand them their gears."

Arthit noticed the glint in Kong's eyes. "You're up to something," Arthit accused.

"Me? Why would you think that P?"

"I know that look on your face Kong. Spit it out, what are you thinking?"

Kong scratched his neck. "We've...we've never had a vacation together P. Back when I was a junior we weren't together during our beach initiation and then after that we didn't go back to the beach all this time. We've only spent time here in the city and done fun stuff on the weekend. I was just thinking that it would be really nice to be back on the beach with you again."

Arthit couldn't help but smile. "Kong, if you wanted to go on a beach trip before why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"We both got so busy P. And I really didn't want to be a needy and clingy boyfriend so I just accepted what you were able to give. Besides, it's not like I haven't enjoyed the things we've done."

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