Chapter Twenty-Four

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If Arthit even knew where his boyfriend was, he wasn't going to tell Bright. Not with that murderous look Bright had on his face. As much of a goof Bright was, he didn't mess around when it came to his friends or the people he loved. Kongpob had crossed a line and he needed to face the music. All four friends searched for Kong, calling him and sending messages but they all went unanswered. Not even Aim knew where his best friend was. By Sunday afternoon Arthit returned to Kong's apartment after spending the night and morning at Knott's place. He thought he would find Kong there but nope; his boyfriend was still missing.

"Damn it," Arthit sighed. Seeing no other choice, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number he didn't really think he'd ever use like this.

"I'm surprised. I thought you would avoid me like the plague especially after how I caught you and my nephew the last time."

"P'Lee, Kong is missing," Arthit got straight to the point. "He left late last night. I haven't heard from him since and he won't answer my calls. He's still not back to his apartment. And when he left last night, he was drunk. I'm worried about him."

"Why did you let him leave when he was drunk? I thought you were more responsible in taking care of him than that."

"I am. But last night—we had a problem," Arthit said.

"What kind of problem?"

"I don't want to talk about it with you right now. I just want to find Kong."

"Hold on," Lee said. Arthit heard Lee talking to someone before Lee came back on the line. "I called him and he picked up, he's safe. He rented hotel room last night and he's been there the entire time. I told him to go home to you and he said no."

"What did you call him on if you're on the phone with me?"

"Me and his parents have an emergency cell phone. He knows when he gets a call from that number he has to pick up or else we'll think he'd rotting in a ditch and he wouldn't put his mom through that. Now tell me why won't he come home to you?"

"Tell me where the room is. I'll go to him."

"Nong, what happened? I'm not asking to just be nosey I'm asking because I want to help. I love Kong like my own son and I appreciate your status in his life especially since I see how you can take care of him. Let me help you two."

Arthit sighed hard. He could barely sleep last night thinking about what happened. The words his friends told him didn't make him feel any better either.

"Arthit, do you realize if he continued against your will what that would have been?" Knott asked.

"But—Knott he's my boyfriend! And he was drunk! You guys don't know it but when Kong's sexually frustrated, he gets aggressive and normally it's fine but—"

"It doesn't matter if he's your boyfriend. No means no! Not even husbands can do that to their wives," Bright snapped. "We told that nong, we warned him not to fuck around with you! I'll kill him!"

"Bright calm down! Arthit is going through enough already. Don't make it worse," Tootah sighed. "Arthit, what do you want to do?"

"Did I overreact?" Arthit whispered.

"You're allowed to say no. And just because he didn't stop doesn't mean you should just give into him. And clearly his drunken state made him react in ways you're not used to."

"He was mean to me. Even when he's angry with me, he's never mean to me. And I just chocked it up to the liquor but the way he looked at me, I felt like he was someone else and not my boyfriend."

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