Chapter Twenty

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While he was busy, Kong kept tabs on his boyfriend and he saw that Arthit never left. He stayed in the corner of the gym with Knott and by the pissed off look on Arthit's face, he clearly wasn't feeling any better.

By the time all the first years left, Kong was tired and ready to go back to his room. When he joined Bright and the other seniors, Arthit was sitting on a chair with his arms crossed. He too looked tired and Kong noticed that he refused to look at Tootah.

"P, are we spending the night together or are you going to carry on this hissy fit for the rest of the night?" Kong asked him. "I'm ready to go home."

"I'm not going home. Bright invited us to his bar. I'm going with him," Arthit replied without looking at Kong.

"We're all going," Bright told Kong. "Your friends agreed to come as well."

Kong sighed and looked at his boyfriend. "Shouldn't we be going home P? We have to talk about—"

"You don't have to say anything to me Kong. Just forget what you want to say to me just like you forget other shit that you should tell me."

"Wow," Kong sighed.

"Anyways, I'm off to get drunk. Knott can I ride with you?"

Kong shot Knott a look, and Knott immediately understood.

"Ride with your boyfriend Arthit. My car is full."

Arthit rolled his eyes but when they all left, he indeed followed Kong to his bike. He hopped on the back silently and Kong hopped on the front and they rode in silence and without touching each other. When they got to Bright's bar, Arthit hopped off the bike first and intended to go inside but Kong grabbed him by the elbow to stop him.

"I don't want you getting drunk P," Kong told him.

"Too bad tonight isn't about what you want," Arthit said.

"P! Please stop! I said I was sorry I was careless."

"I get that you're sorry. But I don't think you quite understand why I'm upset."

"You're possessive and jealous yes I get that but—"

Arthit scoffed and snatched his elbow away. He headed inside the bar and Kong didn't try to stop him.

Inside the bar, Kong sat with his friends while Arthit sat with his. It was clear the lovers were fighting as Arthit refused to look at Kong and all Kong could do was stare at his boyfriend.

"I think he's overreacting," Aim said, trying to comfort his friend.

"No, he's not," Tew spoke up. "Those pictures are supposed to be private. And if someone else happened to see them, then Arthit should have been told."

"I just think it's bad because Tootah was teasing about having seen it. If I somehow saw Arthit's penis I would have kept quiet and kept it to myself," Maprang said.

"Kong, you know how Arthit is. So damn possessive. I think if you simply took your shirt off, he'd be raging mad. But it's your goodies! That's ten times worse!" Oak said.

"He's acting like I'm going to fuck someone else," Kong pouted. "Tootah saw my dick, so what? We're not going to suddenly become fuck buddies."

"Do you have a picture of Arthit on your phone?" Tew asked.

"Probably," Kong replied.

"So can I see?" Tew asked.

Kong scowled at his friend.

"Exactly," Tew replied. "See how that made you feel? Now imagine if I took your phone and looked through your stuff and found the picture to look at it?"

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