Chapter Nineteen

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Arthit stayed up that night waiting for Kong to get back to his room and when the lovers began texting, things remained heated. For the first time, they did more than just tell each other their desires or make lewd comments. With a face the color of beets, Arthit rubbed his hardened member with Kong watching heatedly over video. Arthit didn't know what had gotten into him but he'd never orgasmed so damn hard on his own before. Afterwards, Kong sweet talked him and next thing he knew, he was fast asleep. When he woke up, his phone had cut off and was completely dead since he hadn't put his phone on charge.

He hurried to get dressed and grabbed his phone charger and he was off to work. He stopped for pink milk at the office café and went to the procurement department. He quickly plugged his phone up so he could turn his phone on. While he waited for it to have the right amount of juice to be able to turn on, he drank his pink milk and checked his notes from yesterday.

Earth came into the office with a pink milk of her own. She smiled a him and motioned to his drink.

"Looks like we both need the sugar this morning," she smiled.

"I need it every morning P," he replied.

"Oh, you drink it that often?"

"Every chance I get. Which is mainly at work now because my lover has an eye on me regarding my intake."

"As they should. Too much isn't good for you. But the occasional treat is nice."

She sat down at her desk next to him and got her computer up and going.

"What are you working on?" she asked.

"Oh, just reviewing my notes from yesterday to see where I left off. P'Danai asked for a new purchasing catalog for some of the older suppliers. I've been adding the new prices in the document for him."

"Good work, you've surely come a long way since your first day. That's good."

"Just trying to make a good impression," Arthit replied.

He moved his folders slightly and his pen rolled off the desk to the floor. Before he could reach to retrieve it, Earth picked it up for him. She glanced at the name inscribed at the end and gave him a smile before handing it back to him. For that moment, Arthit secretly cursed his boyfriend for gifting him a pen with his nickname on it. Even if he used that pen every day and loved it. Thankfully, she didn't mention the nickname at all, almost as if she didn't see it.

Arthit looked back at his phone and saw there was enough juice for him to turn it on. He turned it on and waited for everything to load, strangely excited to see if Kong messaged him yet.

Seeing the notification, Arthit hurried to open his messages as he sipped his pink milk.

My Moon: P, have I ever told you that you have a such a pretty looking cock?

Arthit choked on his milk and went into a fit of coughing. He slapped his chest, trying to aid in helping his cough.

"Nong?! Are you okay?" Earth was looking at him with wide eyes.

Arthit's face was red from shyness and because he just nearly suffocated on his own guilty pleasure. He nodded at Earth.

Arthit: Why don't you have any shame nong?

My Moon: 😍😍 omg P, I think I have a new kink. Call me nong again.

Arthit: Brat!

My Moon: You're the brat. I gave you a compliment. You completely ignored me.

Arthit: Oh I see. I moan your name a little and now you dare to talk to your senior like this. You think you get a special pass because I submit to you?

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