Chapter Fifteen

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When the door to Arthit's condo opened, the lovers fell inside, kissing each other hungrily and tearing away at each other's clothes. Arthit kicked the door shut behind them and walked towards his bedroom, still lip locked with Kong. When they fell onto the bed, Kong pulled away from the kiss.

"Wa—wait P," Kong panted.

"Is something wrong?" Arthit asked, still kissing at Kong's neck and reaching for the zipper of his jeans.

"I—I smell," Kong said. "Let me shower first."

"No, you don't smell Kong," Arthit said. "You never smell. And we took showers earlier."

"I know, but I was sweating at the bar and—and I want to clean myself properly for you." Arthit knew there was no point in arguing and even if he continued, Kong would be uncomfortable the entire time.

"Okay," Arthit said, kissing Kong's cheek.

"Shower with me P?" Kong asked.

Of course, Arthit wouldn't say no to that. The lovers continued to undress then went to the bathroom where they showered together. Kong was diligent about cleaning himself so Arthit did his best to keep his hands away from his boyfriend, but he was excited. Three weeks of not being inside of his boyfriend and Arthit wouldn't get his erection to simmer down.

"Kong can I prep you in here?" Arthit asked, pushing his wet bangs from his eyes. He held Kong's waist, waiting for permission.

"Yes, you can," Kong replied breathlessly.

Arthit resumed kissing his boyfriend, grabbing the lube they kept in the shower stall. Arthit pushed Kong against the wall and started prepping him. When he was three fingers deep, Arthit couldn't take it anymore. He shut off the water and got out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around himself then grabbed another towel for Kong. He wrapped his boyfriend up and then started to pat him dry.

"Go on and lay down," Arthit told him softly.

Kong smiled and left the bathroom, his erection still standing proudly. Arthit followed him, patting himself dry. As Kong went to lay down, Arthit grabbed a condom and more lube and then climbed onto the bed in between Kong's legs. He rolled the condom down his shaft then slathered his sheathed length with lube as he didn't want to ever hurt Kong like he did before.

"If it hurts at all please tell me," Arthit whispered, lining himself up with Kong's entrance.

Kong nodded hurriedly, holding Arthit's hips, trying to get his boyfriend to hurry and enter him. Both lovers moaned loudly when Arthit began pushing through the tight ring of muscle. Arthit thrusted slowly, moving until he was nestled deep inside of Kong.

Kong was clenching Arthit's waist, his body stiff. Arhit was going to ask if Kong was in pain but he noticed the way Kong gasped as Arthit thrusted upwards. Smirking, Arthit moved his hips rhythmically, thrusting upwards and piercing Kong's prostate.

"Oh god," Kong gasped, digging his nails into Arthit's waist. His eyes fluttered and Arthit heard that special gasp and then Kong's body seized as cum splattered from his length.

"P, P!" Kong chanted as he continued to cum, his insides clenching tight.

"So tight Kong," Arthit groaned.

"I love you so much P," Kong moaned as his body became lax. Arthit's thrusts got slow and lazy in order to give his boyfriend time recuperate.

"You feel so good," Arthit moaned, still thrusting. "Even with the condom, still so good." He looked down at Kong's limp length, unable to stop himself from smiling. When they first started making love, Arthit couldn't get Kong to orgasm from penetration at all. No matter how Kong said it felt good, Arthit just didn't hit the right buttons to pull an orgasm out of his boyfriend. He was clumsy and didn't know what he was doing. The first time Kong orgasmed from penetration, Arthit had been jerking Kong off at the same time and he was mildly suspicious that was the only reason Kong orgasmed. So now, to see his boyfriend coming so much without Arthit even having to touch his length, Arthit felt a little cocky. Or more rather, he was proud of himself.

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