Chapter Twenty-Six

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Kong wiped his eyes as he looked at the photo Arthit had just uploaded to his Instagram. It was a picture of Arthit turned sideways, showing off his profile. The picture was in black and white, focusing on the outline of Arthit's body.

Caption: The worse kind of liars are the ones that say they love you.

Kong nearly dropped his phone. "He knows," he whispered to himself. He wasn't sure how Arthit knew, but he knew. He knew Kong had this secret and the fact that he didn't come to Kong immediately was alarming.

Gulping loudly, Kong called his boyfriend. He'd gone to bed after wishing Arthit a good night and everything seemed fine until Kong awoke to see that photo on his lovers IG.

The phone rang and rang and Kong thought Arthit wouldn't pick up but after about the fifth ring, the line clicked on.

"Yes?" Arthit answered.

No, good morning. No, hi baby. No, good morning love. Kong knew he was fucked.

"Good morning P," Kong tried not to sound as guilty as he felt. "Are you um—are you busy today?"


"I want to see you."

"I have an appointment with someone today," Arthit replied.

"I really need to talk to you. It's important," Kong begged.

"What about?"

"Um...about us I guess."

"Then just say it right now. What about us to you want to talk about?"

"It has to be face to face P."

"Come to my place in an hour." With that he hung up.

"I am so royally fucked," Kong cursed to himself. Though this was the last thing he wanted to do, he knew he had to face the music eventually. So, he bucked up and prepared himself.

He showered and changed into jeans and a black button up. He sprayed Arthit's favorite cologne on himself and made sure not to forget the pink milk before he got to Arthit's place.

He knocked a few times at Arthit's door and when he got no answer, he used his spare key and entered. Arthit was sitting at his table looking directly at the door but he'd made no move to let Kong in.

"Sorry I used the key I—thought maybe you were in the shower or something and didn't hear me," Kong said. He held out the milk to Arthit who looked at the cup long and hard before he took it.

"P'Arthit, are you okay?" Kong questioned.

"I'm fine," Arthit replied, pegging him with a hard look. "I had a bad dream last night but I managed to get back to sleep."

"What kind of dream?"

"Someone snuck into here and raped me," he replied bluntly. "And no matter how I fought, I couldn't get away."

"I'm not sure how I can comfort you from that," Kong whispered.

"I don't need your comfort," he said.

"I know you're angry," Kong said. "From how you're talking to what you posted on your Instagram."

"What? Are you worried about it?" Arthit questioned.

"Should I be worried about it?"

"I don't know. Did you lie to me?" Arthit sipped his milk and looked at Kong pointedly.

"Fuck," Kong whispered to himself. He went over to Arthit and knelt in front of him. Arthit sat up straight and looked down at him.

"That Saturday night. You remember I was piss drunk right? I don't think you'd ever forget."

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