Chapter Fourteen

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"Oh, Mild," Arthit said nervously. He looked at Kong who was already glaring at Mild. She too was glaring at Kong.

"I didn't expect to see you here," she said. "And you're—" she pointed at Kong. "His junior right? I don't think I caught your name before," Mild said.

"P'Kongpob!" this time another voice rang out and both Arthit and Kong looked at the girl who stood next to Mild.

"Oh, Nong Khaofang," Kongpob greeted.

Arthit felt his eyes immediately narrow. It was that damn junior that had a crush on his boyfriend.

"You know each other?" Kong asked, pointing at the two women.

"She's my older sister," Khaofang explained. "Have you met her before?" Khaofang asked.

"We met when she was so drunk that she ended up in my senior's apartment," Kong said. Anyone else would have head Kong's gentle tone but Arthit knew Kong meant to be bitter with those words.

"Really P'Mild?" Khaofang gasped.

"Wait, wait, wait! How do you know him?" Mild asked her sister. Khaofang gave her sister a look.

"That's my head hazer. You know, the one I tell you about," Khaofang said.

Arthit scoffed. What the hell did she have to say about his Kong to anyone?

"He's our senior Khaofang. Our co-code line senior, Arthit" Kong said, pointing to Arthit.

"Hi," Khaofang greeted.

This time, Kong's eyes were the ones narrowing. "Is that how I taught you to greet your seniors first year?" Kong asked, his hazer voice warm yet firm in the space between them.

Khaofang immediately straightened. She waiied to Arthit. "Hello P'Arthit. My name is Khaofang, my student code is 0062 and I am currently a first year at SSU in computer engineering."

"Nice to meet you nong," Arthit waiied back at her.

"So, you guys hang out outside of school?" Mild asked.

"P'Arthit was my head hazer when I was a first year," Kong told her. "Since he did my hazer training we spent a lot of time together and we became friends. Is that a problem?" Kong asked, looking at her pointedly.

Arthit ran his finger along the back of Kong's hand where he had it behind his back as a tactic to get his boyfriend to calm down. Kong exhaled slowly.

"No, it's no problem. Just curious, is all. You ah, must not have a good impression of me because of what you saw when I was drunk," Mild said.

"I don't normally judge people that harshly but I find it hard to excuse your behavior," Kong admitted. "And despite what you said, I still saw you try and kiss him while he was sleeping."

"Kongpob," Arthit scolded. Kong groaned, knowing he was about to get scolded. "She's still your senior. Cut it out."

"Sorry," Kong apologized to Mild.

"If it makes you feel better I did apologize to Arthit. I really didn't mean for things to get out of hand," Mild said. "By the way, you look much better than you did yesterday. Does that mean you and your girlfriend aren't fighting anymore. I would assume you'd spend Saturdays with her and not with your junior after that argument you told me the two of you had."

Arthit looked at Kong to gauge his reaction. Kong's face was straight, not giving anything away.

"Hm, we still have a little problem. Kongpob took me here to take my mind off it," Arthit replied.

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