Chapter Four

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When the sun blinked through the curtains in Kong's room, Arthit was surprised to find that his boyfriend was still sleeping soundly next to him. Glancing at the clock on the table, it was after 9am. Even on the weekends, his boyfriend woke up at the ass crack of dawn. Arthit realized that the only times Kong slept in was when he was exhausted from stress. He saw it firsthand last year when it was exam season. But now, there were no exams. His boyfriend was the current head hazer but Kong never expressed any stress with the activities and with his school work.

"Are you stressed out because of me, baby?" Arthit asked softly, running his fingers through Kong's hair. He leaned forward and kissed Kong's lips softly. Seeing his boyfriend was stressed, Arthit planned something for their day. It was Sunday after all and maybe he could salvage their weekend despite their bickering.

Before Kong could wake, Arthit decided to get out of bed and freshen up. Once he was fresh, he dressed in a t-shirt and shorts and went down to the food stalls for breakfast. By the time he returned to the room, Kong was still in bed but he was stirring. Arthit watched as Kong felt around the bed. When he realized Arthit wasn't next to him his eyes opened.

"Good morning Kong," Arthit greeted, making sure that Kong knew he was there and didn't just leave him without saying anything.

Kong looked over to the doorway immediately and smiled brightly. However, when he sat up, Arthit saw the discomfort in his face immediately. He then tossed the covers off him and checked his lower half, looking in his underwear.

"I cleaned you up," Arthit whined. "It was only one mistake! I told you I wouldn't do it again!"

"I just know you love your sleep P. You don't let anything come between you and sleep," he said.

"Wow, my usually cute and cheesy boyfriend is throwing shots at me early in the morning. Even when I bring him breakfast in bed," Arthit fake complained.

"I'm grumpy because you destroyed my back and hips," Kong pouted.

"And I have medicine for you ready! Don't fuss at me," Arthit flashed his dimpled smile. Of course, Kong couldn't resist that smile.

He watched as Arthit set up his bed table and set his breakfast on it along with his iced coffee and then pulled out medicine and laid it on the table. Arthit sat opposite of Kong and they both enjoyed their breakfast in silence. After eating, Arthit made sure Kong took his medicine and then Kong insisted on a warm shower.

When Kong finished his shower, he dressed in sleep shorts and a t-shirt. He grabbed his laptop then joined Arthit back in bed, leaning against the headboard. The moment he did, Arthit turned and cuddled against him, putting an arm around his waist, and throwing his leg over Kong's legs lazily. He hid his face in Kong's neck.

"Hm, you smell good," Arthit murmured, kissing his boyfriend's neck.

"Well, I did just shower," Kong chuckled.

"But you always smell good," Arthit said.

Kong chuckled again as Arthit clung to him. He opened his computer to check on emails and his classwork.

"Do you have to do work today?" Arthit asked lowly.

"Not really P. Just checking on my assignments. I want to plan out my week. Hazing is still in full swing so I have to be meticulous about my time," Kong replied.

"You're always meticulous," Arthit teased.

"One of us has to be," Kong smiled.

Arthit ran his fingers against his boyfriend's chest. At the movement, Kong's fingers stopped moving along his keyboard.

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