Chapter 107 : The Night - 1 [Lost his heart]

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I throw my head back, frustration consuming me from the core. From the moment I got to know that fucking bastard has been trapping my woman from the very beginning, it freaked me out
How could I never understand this?

I don't know what else he told her and she must have believed. She still believes that she can't forget that guy and now for her, it's Adrian. My heart aches. I never lost my cool like this. When I got to know that the bastard was pretending to be me, I lost it.

"Christian!" Kane exclaims. "I--- I can't understand what you are saying"

Gawking at the open sky above the surface, I go back to the memory lane. The night. That night in the Texas Club.

"You remember the last time I returned from California to Texas after four years," I utter

"Yeah. After Master Adam's death, you stayed back in California," he adds

The flash backs hit back.

It was the last night in Texas for me regarding a business trip. I was about to fly back to California the next day. It was when one of our business partners asked us to spend the last night having some fun-- the idea I hated the most. Later which was proven to be the best thing in my life.

The music was loud and it was almost dark to see many faces properly. My university fellows, later my partners --Eric, Jonathan and Holder and Serena accompanied me.

"Christian," Eric grabbed my shoulder. "Are you here to stand like a statue?"

"I told you I'm gonna be a boring ass. You guys still brought me. Now, bear with it" I grimaced.

"Let him be," Serena said. "We just have a few hours before the flight. Don't waste time on him"

Throwing me a dirty look, she dragged Eric into the crowd again.

"You better come, Christian," Holder patted my back and disappeared into the crowd.

I wondered what kind of fun they found in crowds and loud noise. They used to say despite being in my mid- twenties I can't like mid- forty man.
I never denied though.

For me, life was beyond fun and I wanted to be powerful, away from all kinds of stuff that distracted me away from my motive. Twelve years passed with a fuel of revenge. And in this means world, a simple and powerless man can never seek revenge. Which was why I worked my ass off after my second father's death. I wanted to make his money double, triple. Whatever he had, I wanted to multiply it as much as I could.

I joined his business straight from college days, working twenty hours per day with four hours of sleep. Sometimes, I didn't sleep for nights. A perfect schedule with no fucking distraction.

As I almost lost my fellows in the crowd, I found it better to have a few drinks before the flight. Since we would be returning through the private jet, a few pegs wouldn't create a problem.

I reached the nearby counter and had almost two. Since I didn't drink often. My head already started feeling heavy. That was it. I better have a muse than a freaking hangover.


A blunder is caused abruptly as I look sideways.

A girl!

A drunk girl.

A freaking girl just threw up near me.

That's gross!

I gawked at her with my drowsy eyes, finding that excessively beautiful woman.

Do such beautiful women ever throw up?

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