Chapter 10: Wedding Reception

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Christian headed back to the office right after we came back to the villa. I wonder if he's gonna be the same in the reception, how many people will be there, will I be able to handle the situation well, did he invite my parents.

So many questions are running inside my mind but I have no answers.

As the sun is setting over the horizon, I came back to my room to get dressed for the function. Mrs Fisher comes following me right away.

"It's time to get dressed. I have brought your outfit," she passed me a warm smile.

"Well, I already got my outfit today"

"But Master Scott said you will wear this," she rolls her green eyes at me. I shrug at the bag in her hands, wondering why that alien has sent another one when I have already brought my outfit. He's not gonna keep calm until he makes me do what he wants.

"I'm not gonna wear this. He knows that well, doesn't he?"

"At least, have a look," Mrs Fisher starts unpacking it while I don't have any interest to look at the stupid expensive dress he has brought. "Here, you're gonna love it. Just look at it,"

Now it irks me. "I said I don't --" my voice dissolves inside my throat as I discover the dress in front of me, the same one I liked earlier.
It looks prettier now, more gorgeous. My eyes sparkle as I immediately touch it and my lip widens into a massive smile.

"Oh my! This one," I beam.

"Yes. I told you," she smiles at me.

I immediately check the zipper and the fabric. Everything is fine, so damn fine. In fact, it looks like it's made just now.

"It's -- it looks better than that one. But it's the same dress," I mumble

"I don't know what you are talking about but Mr Scott gave me the old dress a few hours ago and asked me to arrange the same one like this, that too from the same shop," she says

My jaw drops.


"Yeah. Mrs Sandra guided ten workers to get it done in the two hours since she was the actual designer. Master Scott asked me to arrange the workers for Sandra," she adds

I can't believe it. Why will he even bother to do all this for me? It was just a dress! Still, I smile wider and warmer. I like the design so much and I can't wait to wear it

"Thank you," I tell Mrs Fisher as she smiles at me

"You should say that to Master Scott. I have never seen him paying attention to something in detail so much apart from his work," she says and leaves the room

I nibble my lip, pondering about Christian. He's not that bad, well a bit. He's not bad, he's just arrogant, grumpy and too materialistic. It doesn't make him bad. I should thank him.


"Are you done?" I ask for the ninth time, standing outside my own room. She's such a lazy girl. Who spends an entire hour getting dressed? I've been waiting for her for almost an hour.

"Wait, please. I need some more touch ups," she replies from inside.

"Just stop now. You have taken enough time. The guests are waiting for us. I'm coming in," saying I twist open the door and get inside.

My eyes fall at her figure standing in front of the mirror, her back is facing me. I can see her long wavy hair right above her hips. I think I like her hair too. Why does she keep them in a ponytail? She finally turns to me as I take a complete look at her appearance. Her creamy skin makes her look even more beautiful in the rose gold gown. Undoubtedly, she looks the best in it. My eyes keep roaming across her face. Her icy blue eyes and her long lashes stand out in everything, beating her lips in beauty. I like her eyes too. Her pink lips look juicer in the gloss she has applied and I feel thirsty suddenly to squeeze the moisture out of her lips. I can't decide between her lips and her eyes.

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