Chapter 100 : Punishing the evil woman

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"How's Madam Scott?" I ask Ethan as he comes to the godown with food.

"She's home. Doing well" Ethan says.

Ethan has been working as a butler for months to take Madam Scott wherever she needs to go. But the truth is, he's not a driver, but a bodyguard especially trained and hired for her.

Master Scott doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable about guards which is why she's told that Ethan is a mere driver.

And she is warmed up to all of us, she doesn't like calling her Madam Scott. She insists on calling her Ivanna. Which was awkward in the beginning but now everybody is used to it, because nobody wants to be a victim of her glares.

"Master Scott is in the office," he shocks me, shaking his head

"Damn it. I thought he would be around her for a while. That's why I haven't been around him. I don't know what he's thinking"

"Why don't you tell him about Miss Rozario, Colton? You're lying to him for the first time," Ethan says.

"I know and I feel bad about it," I sigh and immediately smirk. "But I thought to have some fun by torturing this cunning woman for a while. She deserves it."

Ethan laughs. "Seriously! Your demon possessed you again? Just don't do something like before again"

"I'll just have some good fun. Just don't tell Master Scott anything,"

"What do you mean by fun?" He wriggles his eyebrows, teasing me.

"Seriously, Ethan!" I groan. "That girl is so fucking annoying"

"I was just saying," he controls his laughter.

"Hey, you jerk. Is anyone here? Get me some food,dammit. I'll die in hunger," the annoying scream comes again.

"Here you go," I sniff. "Look at her fucking attitude. She won't stop ordering people even if she's kidnapped "

"Go and feed her something," Ethan laughs.

"Cover for me to Master Scott " I say nervously.

"And you come out of your devil mode soon," he pats my back and leaves.


"Good Evening, Miss Rozario," I walk inside the door while holding a slice of pizza and munching on it.

She looks miserable as hell and still keeps the audacity to glare at me.

"Fuck your evening and fuck you." She yells.

"Sorry, I'm not interested " I threw her a dirty look and walked towards her, licking my lips and settling myself near her.

"I want good. I'm hungry," she grits her teeth at me, struggling with her shackles.

"What?" I enlarge my eyes. "It's not a five star hotel, Miss Liar. You're kidnapped "

"But kidnappers too offer food, right?" She makes a miserable face now.

God should never make a horrible woman beautiful. It's like a trap.

Fuck it, Colton!

"Oh really? How many years of experience do you have getting kidnapped?"

She frowns.

"You're confident that kidnappers offer food. Go and watch daily soap" I shrug and start eating again.

"You fucking asshole," she cries out. "Give me some. How can you eat like a shameless jerk in front of me?"

"As properly," I say. Not looking at her since that innocent face doesn't match her personality and end up making her look like a victim.

"Give me some," she groans. The arrogance is still in her voice.

"Be polite"

"Please give me some" still she grits her teeth. It's too hard for her to be humble.

Instead of moving slowly, I abruptly lean towards her, sucking my breath as she shudders, gulping down.

Terror fills her squirming eyes.

"Be polite, Miss Rozario"

"Gi-- give me so-- some," her voice trembles as her  fearful eyes pop out at me.

My lips twitch into a smirk, "Good girl"

I have been enjoying this freaking thing since it's been a long time since I left the underworld. I was only seventeen back then. But definitely playing with nervous souls still, runs in my veins. The difference is I find it fun with evil people now. Not innocent ones.

"Now, I was polite," she says softly with her nervous eyes shivering. "Give me some fast"

"Here you go. The next favour," I hold the slice of pizza in front of her mouth as she immediately takes a bite, and gobbles it fast.

Poor girl is hungry!

Correction. Evil girl!

She finishes the whole slice in three bites. Then I take another one.

"You-- you said you'll leave-- me today," she stammers

As soon as I look at her, she looks away in fear.
I don't reply to her and smirk, shoving the pizza in her mouth and walking out of the cabin.

"Hey, you said you'll let me go today. Please," I hear her scream.

As I come out of the cabin, I see a guard standing over there.

"Give her some water and open her hands. But make sure you lock the door before opening her hands. Let her go early in the morning. It's too late to leave her in such a condition "

He nods his head and mumbles.

"What's wrong?"

"Actually, her phone was buzzing today"

"Might be her mother"

"No. Here"

The guard passes Irene's phone. I open the call log and get surprised to see the name.


What the fuck?

"Is it Adrian Sarkis? Madam Scott's boss?"

"I tracked the number and yeah it is him" he says.

Now, what's this new drama?

How is Irene related to Adrian?

It can't be a coincidence. Is she doing something with Adrian? But what can be the freaking connection?

Before I let Master Scott know about this, I have to dig into it.

"Don't let her go. Get a doctor and treat her. I need to know what's going on between Irene and Adrian"


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