Chapter 63: Relationship Status: It's Complicated

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We spent the entire day at the foster home and it went pretty well. It was my first visit to such a place-- peaceful and vibrant. I always strive to find contentment in real things, and undoubtedly, the smiles on the faces of these little souls seem to be the best path to contentment.

The authorities arranged a few games for the children and rewarded the winners-- and also the others. We joined in, clicked pictures, had lunch with them, and even danced. I even got Christian to dance! That should be an achievement for me. However, he looked adorable.

As the day comes to an end, we have to leave before it gets dark. I insist Rachel show me the last section, and she takes me there.

Nonetheless, it's too harsh to witness the kids in the toddlers' section. Some babies are still in their cribs-- a few months old. My heart aches for them, seeing their adorable smiles-- how innocent these souls are who don't even know life is going to be so difficult for them if they have to stay here for years without any parents.

I feel fortunate for a moment when I realize I could see my mother, I could feel her, I could grow with her affection, no matter how short the period was. Her words are still fresh in my mind. These children don't even know what their parents look like.

"Are they all orphans?" I ask, holding a crib and staring at a baby.

"Abandoned?" I exclaim and gawk at her in disbelief.

"Yeah," Rachel sighs. "We found the majority of them outside the gate. That means they are abandoned. We get orphans from hospitals or on the streets-- not near the gate."

"That's cruel."

"Crucial of their parents. Especially mothers."

"Maybe they didn't have a choice. We don't know what people are going through. It might be a difficult decision. Otherwise, just think which woman will bear the pain for nine months and give birth only to leave the child? Why didn't she just abort? Because she has the affection left-- but she doesn't have the courage and capacity," I say.

"Your thoughts are really deep at such a young age, Mrs. Scott," Rachel says with a smile as I tilt my head, surprised.

Christian is there, leaning against the wall and staring at me with a wide smile.

"When did you come?" I exclaim. "I thought you were not interested in coming here."

"Already missing you," he chuckles, making my cheeks red in front of Rachel. I immediately peek at her giggling at us and mumbling.

"I'll just be back," Rachel says, walking away from us.

I glare at Christian.

"Stop flirting with me in public, it's embarrassing," I scoff, looking down at the crib.

"What's wrong with that? Don't you want people to know how crazy your husband is for you?" He giggles, reaching near the crib.

He tucks my hair behind my ears affectionately with a smile.

"When did you grow up so much?" He whispers, staring at me intensely.

"You're talking as if you saw me when I was a baby," I laugh. "We just met four months ago."

He pauses for a while when I swing the crib, chuckling at the baby.

"Well, I was talking about it. Four months ago, you were an annoying little kid, yelling all the time."

I shoot him a glare immediately.

"Don't force me to punch you over here. You won't like it if people witness The Great Christian Scott getting beaten by his wife," I scoff.

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