Chapter 83 : Past entered the present

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I was Frustrated and annoyed trying to solve the issue in the pile of sheets, I heard a knock occur at the door.

"Who's that?" I groan. "Come later. I'm busy"


That one light voice stops my hands from moving  and leaving all the stupid things aside. My eyes automatically look up towards the door as I see Ivanna turning back.

"Wait!" I jump off my seat as she immediately looks up at me.

A silly smile curves on my face.

"That was you? Why do you need to knock?" I scoff, smiling at her.

"It's not our bedroom," she mumbles.

"So, what?", I walk towards her and she reaches me.

She says nothing, just peers deep into my eyes in silence. I realise she doesn't often come to my office. The last time she came here was when she was angry. Now, she's calm.

"What a pleasant surprise, Mrs Scott" my hands spiral around her waist, pulling her towards me. "What brings you here?"

She tilts her head, staring at me adorably.

I hate distractions.

But she's indeed my favourite distraction.

"What happened? Say something," I tuck her hair behind her ear. "Your work hours haven't ended yet. You left early? Are you okay?"

Now, it concerns me.

Why wouldn't it?

I overthink about her.

I'm overprotective about her.

I'm unreasonable when it comes to her.

I handle complicated and spiral issues with so much patience and coolness. However, when it comes to her, I can't even see her forehead twitching with a line of stress.

I just PANIC.

"Are you telling me or not, Iv?" I husk

"I was Miss you," her lips twitched and she flushed, making me smile wide.

This is the cutest thing that has ever happened to me.

I press my lips on her temple.

"Is that so?" I giggle.

She shakes her head. I slide my hands down to her thighs and lift her a bit. She knows the indication well. She wraps her legs around me, wrapping her hands around my neck she buries her head in the crook of my neck, hugging me tightly.

I love it when she looks for me and never hesitates to rush to me when she realises she needs me.

I sit back on my chair, keeping her in my lap. I settle her legs properly. She doesn't leave me and rests her head on my chest. I can feel her warm breath. Digging my fingers in her hair, I nuzzle her.

"What happened to my little leprechaun?" I coo her

Her eyes are closed as if she's taking full advantage of the moment and relaxing her tired body.

"Hmmmm? I just missed you" she mumbles

It's been a while since we cuddled like this. I miss her too. My lips twitch into a lovely smile at her. But I can always sense the small bit of distress in her voice. She can't hide it from me.

"I was stressed," she complains. "I wanted you"

This woman has no clue that without being too expressive and cheesy she literally makes me feel so blessed and happy with her honest confessions.

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