Chapter 81 : Unexpected Encounter

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A week has passed after that weird moment. Adrian never behaved like that again and I thought I was overthinking all that. How can Adrian be the person? He just came back from England a few months ago, as Noah said.

He couldn't be in Texas almost two years ago. Besides, why would he hide it if he recognised me?

Until now, I wanted the person to come back but now I don't want that. Because when the need becomes more important than love, all we care about is Need.

Christian is my NEED.

I have come to meet Irene after the gym since I usually have an hour break before my class starts. We are meeting in the same coffee shop.

When she called me last night to catch up, I gave her a condition. I would only meet her If she didn't talk about Christian at all.

I literally hate it when she even utters his name.
Is that insecurity or jealousy? I don't know.

"I didn't want to bother you but dad bothers me all the time asking about you. Like how are you? What are you doing?" Irene says

Why is he even bothered about me after literally selling me?

I wonder what I would do if he sold me to someone else instead of Christian. I bet my life would be hell. It was my good luck that the person was Christian and he never let me feel like that even though he messed up things.

"Tell him that I'm fine. In fact, better than before." I sip from my coffee. "You can see I'm back to my old plans. Everything is the same as I had planned. Just the relationship status has changed"

"I'm happy about that. How is work?"

"Good. It's a kind friendly workplace. Not like all the typical job sectors where people just rush to earn dollars. It's more about passion," I smile.

"I heard a lot about the firm recently. Holy smokes. Adrian Sariks," she says. "Isn't he hot?"

I gawk at her in disbelief. "Well, I don't think I should be noticing him that way now. So, I never did. Yeah, he's good looking if you want to know"

I choked suddenly recalling the weird moment. I can't get it off my head since then.

"What happened? You seemed to be lost suddenly after I talked about him." She frowns.

"Nothing. Just like that"

"Don't lie to me, Ivy. Well, it's not even about your husband you can tell me, right?" She groans.

My head starts feeling heavy. After that night, I didn't talk to Christian about Adrian anymore. I didn't even tell him that I felt like Adrian was the same man. Because I was scared of how he would react.

He was tolerating my past and my feelings just because he knew that man isn't in my life anymore. I'm sure if I talk about my instincts, he will go crazy.

"I can see something is wrong with you regarding Adrian. What happened? Tell me?"

"I don't know why since the day I met Adrian, he seems to be a bit weird. I tried to avoid it but I couldn't. You know there's always a woman instinct that tells you something is not normal"

"I see," she presses her lips. "Did you tell your husband about it?"

Irene has really taken my condition seriously. I asked her not to utter Christian's name if she wanted to meet me.

"No. He gets affected by silly things about me. He will panic even if there's nothing to worry about. Adrian is good, just weird" I mumble

"Weird like what?"

"Like staring at me, trying to start a conversation, offering dinner. I mean as a boss he is too friendly. He knows I'm married"

Irene takes a long pause, gasping at me.

"What?" I roll my eyes.

"Don't tell me that's your Mr Nightingale in the Texas club. You literally talked about him for a year and ate up my head," she groans.

My breath catches.

"You also feel the same?"

"I'm guessing it from your words. That's it. Because you also feel the same. I wish I had seen him that night," she groans."At least, I would guess it right"

Irene was also there that night and knew about the whole scenario. When she was partying with our other cousins, I was lost in another world. The dream broke the next morning when I found myself in my apartment.

"Do you think he saw me?" I ask out of nowhere.

"Maybe, he had. When I went to find you, he wasn't there. You were alone in the cabin, fast asleep." She replies.

I sigh, silently taking the sips from my coffee.

Christian has returned to his old routine again. He has been quite busy. And I know why. Since I'm busy with my own hectic schedule.

I realised I was the one who made him leave everything aside and rush to me every single time. So, when I'm finally settled with my schedule, he has gotten some time to focus on his work instead.

I smile looking at his message.

Christian : "Don't forget to have lunch, Mrs Scott. Otherwise, I won't mind sending the entire bunch of cooks to your lab to feed you"

Controlling my laughter somehow, I replied to him.

Ivanna : "Stop threatening me. I have already"

He replies with an emoticon.

Christian : ♥️

That's how I know he's too busy but still taking some time to message me. Or else, he's not a man to stop texting until I'm done and irritated with him.

I toss my phone in the bag while making the reports again.

"Ivanna, please pass the report to Adrian once you're done," Quinn says. "I need to leave"

"Sure," I passed her a tight lipped smile and let out a deep sigh.

I avoided Adrian as much as I could. I indeed talked to him but avoided having any concentration.


"Had your lunch?" Adrian asks while arranging the reports.

"Yeah," I mutter.

A long pause.

"Well, I thought we must be asking the same if some-- " he chuckles.

"Ah. I'm sorry. Did you have your lunch?" I ask.

"Not yet. I'll surely do." He says

I press my lips and invite the silence again.

"Is something bothering you?" He asks

"No, Nothing." I stammer

I don't even wanna look at him since I feel weird about the way he looks at me.

"I think there is. You were quite friendly and outspoken until the previous weekend," he scoffs. "Now, it seems like you're kinda trying to avoid me"

I nervously look at him, searching my brain for something suitable to say.

"I'm just a bit burnt out after college. A lot is going on and-- "

He twitches his lips into a sarcastic smile and I don't understand what it means.

"I have some samples to check. Excuse me," I groan, turning to the door.

He comes comes my way blocking the door. I get absolutely stunned, looking at his cold eyes lingering on me.

"Forgot the boyfriend of one night so easily?" His intense words freeze me on the spot.

This time he's talking to me. His eyes are on me. And he's talking about the same incident. My body feels so weak that I stumble and try to hold myself straight.

"You--- you are not-- " I stammer.

"I am, Mrs Ivanna Scott," he groans, stepping closer to me.

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