Chapter 102 : The Serious conversation (Kane - Emily)

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After wrapping up work, I leave the office at the usual time. The office floor has been vacant for 10 minutes. As I walk through the lobby, my eyes land on Emily's desk.

She's still here today!

Her shift is only five hours long and it has been more than eight hours since she's here.

I frown, watching her father her stuff then quietly leaving.

I remember the conversation we had earlier. I didn't know what I was trying to deliver to her but it seems like she was hurt

I sigh and walk out.


Driving out of the basement, I find Emily again by the streets. She's walking slowly as if she's lost somewhere.

What the hell am I doing?

I never observed someone so much. I mind my own business and never try to know about the employees more than necessary. I hope I can end this--- whatever I am feeling for her.

Looking away from her. I strive to drive my way to my apartment. It takes me just a few seconds to change my mind. I can't help driving slowly towards her

I know I should not.

She doesn't even realise that a car is approaching her.

"Miss Benson," I call her

She shudders and looks behind her surprised. Our eyes meet for a while before she eventually drives them away.

"It's too late. Let me drop you"

"No. It's--- it's fine," she stammers without looking at me. "I'll get a cab"

"You'll have to walk a long way at this hour. I can't let you go alone at this hour like that night"

I pause as her ebony eyes fall back at me, calm and astonished. There's no guarantee that her ex-boyfriend won't nag her again in the middle of the road.

But she has been leaving alone every day. Why am I looking for an excuse.

"I mean my staff's safety is my responsibility" I mutter, making the most stupid excuse.

"There are a lot of employees in the company who travel alone. Mostly women. You don't ask them for it," she attacks straight to the point, leaving me dumbfounded.

I look for words.

Because I don't have a freaking thing to say. It just doesn't feel good to me to see her walking alone, lost in her thoughts.

I can't even manage to reply before she speaks again, "I'm not special," she sarcastically smiles.
It hits me right away. I clear my throat.

"Miss Benson," My voice comes out dominating.
"Get inside the car. No more arguments. I don't have time to waste on"

She pauses, gawking at me with her big doe eyes. Dripping her gaze, she walks to the other side and gets in.

Pressing my lips, I glance at her once and drive away

We have been silent the entire way. However, I kept looking at her frequently. She didn't.

As I stop the car near her apartment gate, she goes to open the door.

"Thanks," she is not even looking at me.

"Miss Benson," I interrupt before she gets down.

Her hurt and complaint filled eyes come on me as I drive my eyes away.

"You wanna say something?" Her voice is harsh
I let out a deep sigh, keeping my gaze down because I think I'm gonna get nervous if I look into her eyes.

"Listen, we are not kids. Not even teenagers. And I don't like to pretend. I believe you also prefer to be honest, like always." I pause.

She doesn't say anything. Maybe she wants me to complete it.

"Well, it's true that I--- I like you," my voice shivers, goosebumps crawling all over me. I have never been so nervous my entire life as I am now.

Gathering a lot of courage, I look at her. She's staring at me, her eyes speaking a completely different thing, filled with unsaid expectations.

She's so damn honest and innocent about her feelings that she doesn't even try to hide the light smile after I confessed.

"But-- " I keep my eyes on her, watching her smile fade away. "But I don't think it's my cup of tea. I mean I can't-- I'm too bad at such things-- like a relationship and all. You know. I just don't wanna mess up later. I don't wanna give you some expectations I can't keep. In short, I'm not good at commitments"

I huff, letting everything out in one breath. A long silence occurs between us when I can only hear her breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry. I wanna save things before they get damaged," I say.

"How do you know you're not foot at commitments?" She asks abruptly as I look up, finding her in a normal state.

"It's--- it's because-- " I mutter since I don't even know why it is like that.

"How many girlfriends did you have?" She asks

"Just one back in college " I say.

"You have just been into one failed relationship but it seems like you're done with giving yourself a chance," her words are deep and indeed true.

"I believe I love my work more," I say

"Even I do," she whispers, her eyes filled with a kind of urge as if she's trying her best to make an initiative-- something I hardly heard about any woman.

She is--


But that doesn't make me take such a huge step.
Now, this is getting serious and more practical conversation. Where she's winning for sure.

"It's not possible, Miss Benson. I don't think I'm that kind of person"

She dropped her head, silence and pressed her lips.

"Emily-- " my voice comes out as a whisper as my eyes intensely dart on her ruddy face. Before I can say something, she gets out of the car.

"Good night"

She slams the door shut and walks faster towards her apartment, leaving me dazed. It makes me feel like a culprit.

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