Chapter 20: Another Condition

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I don't talk to him, I don't argue with him, I don't even expect anything from him. The moment he broke the second clause of the contract, I lost all the expectations. That agreement means nothing to him, nor my decisions.

I have stopped going to campus since I'm sure I can never complete my PhD here. Instead, I'm looking for work now. As soon as possible, I badly need a job so that I can start working and pay back his debt and get rid of this marriage.

Days keep passing as I keep my attempts to fund a high paying job since the amount of the debt can be huge. I don't even know how much my father owes him, nor do I want to talk to Christian about it.

I haven't talked to him since that night. Every night I sleep on the couch and end up in bed in the morning. Still, I keep sleeping on the couch. I don't wanna have dinner with him but he has some strong arms to carry and shift me from here to there like a soft toy. It feels like he deliberately makes me furious so I look  stupid.

Almost every day, I yell at him but he has sworn not to improve himself, I hate him.

"Ivanna, I don't know exactly which debt you're talking about," Kane tells me from the other end.

"If your dad and Christian had such a deal, then it's not professional. Maybe that's the reason I don't know anything about it."

"Can you get the details for me? I know I'm no one to order you. But it's just a request. I need your help."I say

"We'll," he chuckles. "You can order me. Christian has already told me to obey all your orders, except for getting a ticket to Texas." He laughs

"Your Boss is a creep," I tell him. "Anyways,can you help me find the details about this, right?"

"Of course, I will try to find out the details about it"

"And can you not tell Christian about this please,"I mutter.

"Sure," I hear him chuckling before he hangs up.
I let out a sigh. Once I get to know the amount, it'll be easy for me to do what I want to.


For the past three days, Christian hasn't come for dinner and Colton told me that he is busy with something huge. When I try to get relief from this, a part of me misses the way he used to drag me to the dinner table, carrying me in his arms. I find myself on the couch for the last two days which means he doesn't even come home at night. Mrs Fisher said that this is unusual since no matter how busy Christian used to be, he never stayed out the entire night. She asked me if we argued. But I don't think that's the reason. We fought badly like a week ago. After that our fights were like random ones, not so serious as to offend him. There must be some important work.

However, I hear Mrs Fisher speaking to him and telling him that I ate, I slept well, I'm fine as if he is continuously asking about me.

I took my pillow to bed to sleep in bed tonight, assuming he will not show up tonight either.

There's no point in sleeping on the couch. My body aches.

"So, Mrs Scott wanted me to carry her to her every night," I heard his voice after three days and immediately turned around,to find him smirking at me.

The first thing I noticed about him was that he looked exhausted. His smirk doesn't have the usual spark, his body looks tired, his eyes are swollen with dark circles as if he hasn't slept at all.

He walks up to me with a warm smile.


"That's why you pretended to sleep on the couch when I was there. But now---" he looks at bed.

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