Chapter 88 : Digging the past

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I slept the entire morning because of the lack of sleep last night. Nonetheless, I have made it to the firm. After waking up, I tried to call Christian but he didn't receive it. Mrs Fisher told me he has already called her after reaching Austin. Ge also asked if I was sleeping properly and told her not to wake me up.

He's never gonna stop being so caring. This guy has spoiled me to the extent that I crave his attention and pampering all the time. I wonder how I'm gonna survive these four days without him, how I'm gonna relax my body without cuddling with him, how I'm gonna sleep comfortably alone on that damn bed.

I smile to myself while working on my computer.

There's not much work in the lab today but I decided to kill my time here. After all, the villa is going to suck without Christian. It's so weird that just a few months ago, I didn't want him near me. And today, I want him around me forever.

My eyes repeatedly fall on my cell phone, waiting for a single call from him. He's so bad.

He'll keep track of me anyhow but he won't let me know how he's doing. I am worried about him.

My patience level gives up after a while and I grab my phone. Coincidentally, the phone starts buzzing with his name on the screen. I feel butterflies in my stomach and pick the call right away.

"Where have you been?" I snap desperately. "It's been so many hours since you left, Christian. Didn't you see my call? Why didn't you call back?"

"Hey, relax," he laughs on the other end. "You were sleeping when I called Mrs Fisher. You didn't sleep the entire night so I didn't wake you up. Then I got busy with some stuff. Are you already home?"

I nibbled my bottom lip, wondering what I should tell him. He's not here and last night he literally saw Adrian insisting to drop me.

Such nervousness occurs when we're hiding something. I know Christian doesn't even care about all this until he knows who Adrian is.

"No. I'm still at work"

"Why so?" His voice comes annoyed. "Are you working late again tonight?"

"Yeah. What will I even do by reaching home early? You're not here"

"Mrs Scott, you might want to study at least. It's not always about me,"

Once it was never about him.

Now it's all about him.

"I'm just leaving," I say.

"Good. I'll talk to you later"

"Bye," I say and cut the call.


I hang up and come out of the car, walking towards the police bureau. I have been trying to re open the case for a while now. But it's not so easy to reopen a fourteen year old case that was stated to be an accident.

I could have easily killed that bastard for everything he had done. But I never wanted to be the murderer of the man who is the father of the woman I love the most. No matter how sinful Richard is, he's still Ivanna's father. Unfortunately!

"Mr Scott, we can re open the case of Mr and Mrs Robinson. But Mrs Jennifer Rozario --" Dylan, the cop in his mid forties, twitched his lips with a frown.

"What about Mrs Rozario?" I frown

"It'll be tough since we got all the information about her death. It was stated to be a natural death by brain stroke" he says. "Besides, why would Richard kill his wife? We rechecked the files of that case. Even Mrs Jennifer's Aunt stated that there was no issue in Richard and Jennifer's marriage. They were happily married"

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