Chapter 22: Screwed in her spell

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We landed in Texas with a huge smile on my face. I inhale a deep breath finally, tossing my eyes at the city I always crave.

"Mrs Scott, I mean Ivanna," Ethan corrects himself as I give him a stare, "the vehicle is that way," he says, as I nod with a smile.

Ethan, Colton and Kane have accompanied us to Texas. It's kinda embarrassing for me to realise that this alien literally shifted the entire staff. He's crazy.

Mrs Fisher along with the house helpers stayed back. I'm definitely gonna miss all of them. The thought of Christian and me staying all alone is already giving me minor attacks. He's on the call for an hour now. Not for a second, he left the call during the flight. It pissed me off at first but then Kane told me how stressful the entire process is to shove an entire to another city

The bodyguards surround us until we safely reach the vehicle. Ethan takes the driving seat as Kane occupies the passenger seat. Colton along with his team in another car following us.

As I get inside, my smile fades away. The windows are locked. I can't even ask anyone to open them. So I just jeep quiet. Looking down at my lap.

"I haven't done all this havoc to witness your drained face, Mrs Scott," Christian speaks finally after two long hours.

I gawk at him while mumbling as he frowns at me

"The window. Can you open the window?" I mutter.

"Open the windows," Christian says, As Ethan pushes one button the windows slide down.

The natural cold Breeze hits me.


A lovely smile finally curves in her beautiful face as she looks outside. Her hair brushes over her face as she removes them, keeping the smile on.

"Hey! Look," she beams, yanking my arm and pointing at a huge construction. "That's my university"

She looks so happy and excited. I don't look at the scenery much but her. My eyes don't leave the sight of her smiling. It feels like the toil of three  damn days was worth it.

Her smile works as a durg to me.

"That's cool," I say as she curiously looks out.

"And that park. I used to come here every day with my friends. You'll get the best ice cream over here," she points at it.

Keeping the smile on, I cooperate with her. She's still holding my arm, dragging me closer to her unknowingly, as if she has forgotten everything in joy

"I'm going to come here again. And see that library. I used to spend hours over here," she chuckled and placed her chin on the edge of the window.

She's happy. And I'm relieved watching her.

She's totally lost in adoring her favourite city and I'm lost in adoring my beautiful wife.

"That place-- see that club. Here I--" her voice goes back to her throat again as the colour of her face drains as she points at the club.

The car is driven past it but she's still numb. She pulls down her hand and sits back properly with no smile on her face.

"The club? Is there something in that club?" I ask.
She doesn't speak and it worries me. Her eyes look like the eyes of a statue now.

"Iv," I gently touch her hand but she shoves it away, blinking several times to get back to reality.

"Where are we staying by the way?" She asks in a cold tone.

"I have a commodity here and---"

"We're going to my place," she interrupts me.

"Your place?"

"Yeah. My apartment is still on lease for the next six months. We'll stay there," she says, leaving me in shock.

"What? You want me to stay in a rented apartment?" I exclaim. I can't understand this girl. What does she want me to do?

"Yeah," she rolls her eyes. "It's good. Big enough for the two of us. I can get another apartment in the same building for Kane and Colton too if they want. And Ethan also," she smiles. "The owner of the building is my good friend "

I can see Kane and Ethan smiling at her, definitely they find her adorable all the time but she's being stupid now. Why will I stay in a rented flat when I have my own villa over here?

"What say?" She beams

"Yeah," Kane chuckles. "It'll be fun"

"Sure," Ethan adds.

"Just shut up both of you," I shout at them as Ivanna frowns at me. "And you. Listen to me carefully. I'm not gonna stay at your stupid apartment. Keep your damn mouth shut"

Her face wriggles as she folds her lips. "How can you call it stupid? It's the place where I moved in the first time with my own salary"

She glares at me with her disappointing eyes.

I feel bad for attacking her sentiments like this.

"You won't understand. After all, you had everything ready made by your father," she fluffs her cheeks

Now, if I apologise to her, she'll show much more attitude than this.

"Okay, sorry," I shrug.

"Huh! Such a rude way to say sorry. I'm not forgiving you so easily," she grimaces.

Damn this girl!

"What do I need to do to get your apology, your Highness?" I fake a smile of annoyance at her.

She bursts into laughter. Even though I'm pissed, I notice how pretty she looks when she's laughing.

"When do you not find her pretty, Christian?" I groan at myself.

"So, your Highness is gonna forgive you in only one condition," she widens her chest to act like an actual boastful queen and winks at me.

I cannot but smile at her cute actions.

"You'll have to stay in my apartment," she says, throwing me a devilish smile.

"Fuck it!" I groan at her. I knew she would say this.

"You evil woman, I hate you," I say for the first time even though I don't exactly mean it.

"I hate you too, Mr Husband," she grimaces.
Ethan and Kane crack up together.


We reach the location Ivanna gives to Ethan. The building is small yet decent and by the environment, I can say why Ivanna chose this place to stay during her college. There is a park in the opposite side where I find a lot of senior citizens working out. There are small bukeries, grocery stores, and a few feet away there's a small coffee shop too.

Simply simple, according to her.

"What's here?" Colton comes out of his car which was following us.

"New home of Our Master and Madam Scott," Kane says sarcastically and I literally want to kick is ass now.

"This?" Colton exclaims, scanning it properly as Ivanna scowls at him. "This! Wow!" Colton's bland reaction changes immediately. "This great. Too great"

This girl is another name for terror. Everyone knows she cannot harm them,but still they are afraid of her and sometimes me too.


"Thanks," Ivanna smiles and takes out the keys.
"Please take the stuff inside. I'm guiding you," she asks the guards as they carry the luggage and follow her inside.

I let out a deep sigh, gawking at her.

"You're Screwed, Christian," Kane laughs and he's not wrong either.

I'm screwed. Screwed in her spell!

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