Chapter 67 : Wives aren't Bought

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My entire body freezes as I see her standing devastated at the door. Her ravaged eyes settled on me. I can see her body shivering, her jaw clenching and her ruddy eyes welling up.

I strive to speak but my voice doesn't support me.
I can't utter a single word. Something pulls me back-- the fear, the anticipation.

She walks towards me without blinking her eyes even for once.

"Ivanna, let me-- " Kane says but she holds her hand to stop him. Reaching closer to me.

I can hear her breathing heavily and weeping inside. Her eyes sats how hurt and angry she is.

"Why did you--- " she chokes. "Why did you do this to me?"

Tears flow from the corner of her eyes, making my heart ooze.

"Iv," I take a step towards her to touch her but she takes a step back.

"Don't touch me," her voice booms around the walls. "I want an answer, Christian I want a fucking answer"

She storms towards me and grabs my collar, yanking me closer to her.

"Tell me. Why? Why do you always do this to me, Christian? What's my fault? Why do you never let my wounds heal and break me again? Why?" She screams her heart out in rage. I'm left clueless about what to say, how to handle her.

I can see tears streaming down her ruddy cheeks as her disgust filled eyes try their best to show some anger. But all I can see is the immense pain that I have caused her.

I already hate myself.

"Iv-- ,"as i strive to touch her cheek, she suddenly grabs her head, panting.

"Oh no! How can I question you?" She exclaims, gazing up at me, a painful smile lingering on her face. "How can I ask you not to touch me? Only a wife can do all this, right? What am I?" She grips her throat while rubbing it.

"Iv , please calm down first," I hold her wrist and pull her in my arms.

She's lost somewhere and it feels like she can't even hear me. She's just ranting to herself.

"What am I?" She murmurs. "What's the person called when they are sold? A slave? Am I your slave or what-- "

Anger flows through me like lava as I clearly hear her uttering nonsense.

"Ivanna, stop," I screech, yanking her arms. "Come to your senses damn it. what the fuck are you uttering?"

Her devastated eyes come on mine-- field with complaints and disappointment. I don't want her to think that way. I never wanted it.

"What are you saying, baby?" My voice softens as I wrap her with my arms. "You're my wife. My most precious treasure"

"Wives aren't Bought and sold," her voice is firm. "I don't even feel myself now. I don't even claim myself. I don't think I'm mine anymore. I don't-- "

She covers her face immediately and breathes heavily. She's panicking inside and I don't know how to handle this mess, how to make her believe that I never want her to lose her existence. She's still hers before she's mine. She always was.

"Iv, baby. We'll talk later. Calm down, please. Okay?" I rub her back when she's still covering her face. She's still in shock.

I look at Kane and he seems to be devastated, staring at her. We have eye contact and just then she uncovers her face, parting her lips.

"Wait! Irene was pregnant?" She exclaims, gawking up at me and immediately turns back before I can do anything.

I don't have the guts to stop her after this.

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