Chapter 15: Different worlds

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I cover my mouth in shock. Before I can do anything or call him again, Christian punches the guy in his stomach. Terror fills inside me as a crowd starts forming around us in the corridor.

"Christian," I yelp when I know he's not even listening to me.

He punches the next guy again across his jaw while dealing with the first one. Those guys are indeed physically weaker than Christian which leads them to wounds.

One of them abruptly attacks Christian and punches his face. My heart comes out of my mouth.

"Christian, Christian please stop," I run toward them when he slams him on the floor kicking the other two on their stomach.

I can see his skin getting red, his body trembling in anger and his nerves can be seen out of his skin. I have never seen him so much anger and it shocks me.

He grabs the guy who had initially thrown the ink in me and slams him against the wall while howling aloud.

"You bloody fucker! How dare you? How dare you do this to her?" He keeps punching the guy's stomach when the other two can't even get up because of pain.

"Christian, for god's sake stop," I yell in tears but all in vain.

Looking around I find a big crowd around us and some of them have already recognised Christian.

"Christian, please," I grab his arm finally and pull his back but it feels like something has possessed him. He's not the guy I know.

He has been calm all the time even when he's being cold and rude. I had never seen him groaning like an uncontrollable creature before. Honestly, it's haunting me now.

"Leave my hand," he grins, shooting me a glare with his blood red eyes.

"It's enough. Please stop now," I plead but he shoves my hand away and slams the guy on the ground with others.

They are all tired and wounded when Christian starts kicking them without any mercy.

"How dare you fucking assholes to make her cry?" His howls are giving chills down time as I freeze, gazing at him."Do you know who she is? She is Christian Scott's wife. She is my woman."

I don't know how to react or what to do. However, for the best few seconds, I can hear nothing but his last words. Kneeling, he grabs one of them by the collar and glares at all of them.

"You have made the worst mistake of you life. Now, wait for the hell," he scoffs.

"Mr Scott"

As I was coping with the situation, I see the dean if the university rushing towards us with the heads of the management. My heart sinks and I look at Christian who's still fuming with anger as he glares at the Dean.

"Mr Scott, please stop," the dean pleads in a low tone.

"Throw them out of the university," Christian grits his teeth, leaving me in shock.

"Christian,"I whisper. "What are you doing? It was not --- they didn't commit such big mistake"
His strong glare comes on me, making me shiver and I shut my mouth.

"Yes, we will do that," the dean tells and I can't be more shocked. He doesn't even object. They were wrong but I never wanted to ruin someone's future.

"Not only then but also each person who causes trouble to my wife, laughs at her and makes her cry," he rolls his angry gaze around the crowd as I see the terror in their faces.

Until now, I was only scared, but now I'm uncomfortable as hell.

"Relax, Mr Scott. We'll make sure that Mrs Scott doesn't face any issues here," the dean says

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