Chapter 72 : Comfort

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It's my first day at work and I thought it would be great. It's not like my colleagues are not nice but I can't stop getting frustrated over my life. I left the villa without meeting Christian. And I miss him now.

I thought we'd have a great start to this day. He would wish me luck with a sweet morning kiss and it would be perfect. However, I can't take things out of my head.

I feel low.

I feel bad.

From the moment I got to know I was literally treated like a material, it freaked me out. No matter how badly he claims to love me, it's definitely not the way he should have made me his. I can't accept it anyway. No sane woman can accept to be materialised.

I sigh, pulling off my chemical gloves and washing my hands. It's been a long shift.

"I hope I didn't bore you," Jacob says, washing his hands.

He's the incharge of the firm-- a man in his early thirties, a good instructor as well.

"No. It was fun to work with you," I say.

"My wife says I might bore my colleagues," he laughs.

"She is definitely not into chemistry and botany then if she finds you boring," I chuckle.

"Yes, exactly. She's into other stuff. Whenever I talk about my research, she yawns"

"But I loved your thesis. Well, that's something about professional life. You know I also find my husband boring because he's too business- minded," I laugh my heart out with him.

Gradually, my laughter fades away as reality hits me.

"Ummm! Your husband is a big thing. Businessmen are born boring If you're not into business," he laughs.

I try to force a smile but I just can't.

The entire day passed and I haven't talked to Christian even once-- not even a message. We have been calling each other atleast once the entire day. But Today--.

I sigh, whole walking through the lobby with Jacob when Adrian crosses by us.

"Good Evening, Mr Sarkis," Jacob says, shaking his hands.

"Good Evening. I guess I'm late. You guys are already leaving," he glanced at me as I passed him a causal smile.

"Yes, it has been a long day" Jacob says.

"How was the session? I hope you're training your intern well," Adrian smiles at me.

"She's a fast learner and I'm learning from her as well. So, Give and take, you know," Jacob laughs. "Well, I'm getting late. My wife is gonna sue me for sure. I'll take a leave," he tilts his head at us and walks away, leaving me and Adrian alone in the lobby.

I pass him a tight lipped smile when he stares at me.

I don't know why he just stares at me every time I bump into him. It's kinda awkward. I clear my throat, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I'm getting late too," I say

"Yeah. It's too late," he scoffs and walks next to me to the exit.

We walk silently for a while until we reach the gate.

I see Ethan already waiting for me.

I don't know why I was expecting Christian. Even on campus today, I was expecting him to wait for me on the bike. I already miss him so much.

"Okay, I thought of offering to drop you at your place but-- "

"Christian always sends Ethan everywhere I go," I reply

He passed a half smile.

"And it's dinner time. I was thinking of having dinner at the near by restaurant," his abrupt offer shocks me as I stammer. "Hey, relax. It's not a multinational company. And I'm not exactly the boss type. It's a private research firm with friendly colleagues and I always offer new employees dinner time or something"

He's asking politely and I don't even feel like turning down a friendly offer but--

I can clearly remember Mrs Fisher's words from a few months back.

"Master Scott only comes to the villa to have dinner with you, no matter how busy he is,"

I can't. I just can't be so mean to him. It'll always be Christian as my priority, no matter what.
No matter how many bitter things we are having.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sarkis" I pass him a warm smile. "I prefer having dinner with my husband"

He seems to be unprepared for the rejection as he squirms.

"Well, don't you have it every day? Now, you have a professional life," he says. "I can say he often goes on professional dinners"

"He doesn't," I say confidently. "He'll sleep with an empty stomach big he'll never eat without me. You might have heard many wives say this but still, I'll say, my husband is different.Good night, Mr Sariks"

I turn around and walk away with a smile.


Ivanna is late. Ethan assured me that he would be bringing her back to villa safely. I wanted to go there but I thought she might need some space. I couldn't nag her all the time. It's been an hour since I got home and it feels so empty without her. She used to always be there to welcome me with a warm smile.

But I don't complain. It's definitely not a wife's job to wait for her husband. Sometimes, I should do that too.

To survive the hunger until she comes, I try to get some work done opening my laptop, sitting on the couch.

The door opens and Ivanna comes in. My eyes immediately goes to her. She is lazily walking inside, taking small steps, her half opened eyes come on me and I can see how tired she is.

A smile curves on my face and immediately fades away as she walks away without saying anything. We didn't talk the entire day and I miss her so much. She's still mad at me.

I gulp down, holding myself from talking to her. She takes out her clothes and gets inside the washroom quietly, leaving me disappointed.

Is she really not gonna talk to me?

I miss her talks. I try to focus back on the work to divert my mind. I will have to do it.

Minutes pass and I try my best to focus but I can hardly get any work done. It's frustrating. I grab my head, keeping the laptop on my lap.

Just then my laptop slams shut. I look up.

Surprised to see who it was.

Ivanna is standing in front of me in the towel. Her hairs are wet, and the water droplets are glistening over her body. She looks at me without giving any reaction and takes the laptop and places it aside.

In no time, she falls onto my lap, gathering herself into my arms. Her head rests on my shoulder. As soon as I feel her body against mine, I feel my numb body getting back to life after the entire day. I wrap my arms around her as she looks for comfort in my arms.

Today my little leprechaun is tired and it's my turn to comfort her.

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