Chapter 30 : The irresistible touch

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It shocks me since he never did this. An outhouse will be the prettiest thing for him to get but he denied straight. I keep gawking at him, not Because I wanted that out house truly.

His stern eyes come on me, turning into the cosy ones with a smile.

"Stop making fun of me," he Snickers, walking towards me. So, he knows I was teasing him.

"What about you? You do it all the time," I groan, walking back to the villa as he follows me.

"So, you're playing tit for tat with me, huh?" I can hear him cracking up. Turning around, I throw him a strong glare and walk inside.


The villa looks almost the same as the one in Dallas. I don't bother myself to look at each corner.

"Yeah, Kane. We just reached and I'm coming right now"

I tilted my head back to Christian and found him looking at his wristwatch.

"No, don't ask them to leave. I'm coming"

I say nothing and follow Mrs Fisher to our room.

She opens the door as I get inside the lavishing room painted in textures. The first thing I noticed here is the big photo frame hanging over the bed against the wall. The wedding photograph where no one between us laughs.

I remember we clicked a picture after the procedure but I never saw it. If I knew it looks so pathetic, I would have clicked one more. In this we look more like 'most wanted criminals' than a married couple.

"You guys look adorable together," Mrs Fisher says from behind and tries to scan it properly.
"Just the smile is missing. I bet you would look the happiest couple of the year"

Are we happy?

I think yes, Maybe, we are.

I don't remember the last time we fought over anything serious. Eventually, we end up laughing. He makes me laugh all the time with his stupid talks and even when he freaks me out, I end up laughing the next moment.

"Feeling lucky to have such a handsome husband?" I hear Christian's voice and turn around. He is standing next to the door with his playful smile and Mrs Fisher is gone.

I don't know when this Alien came in and saw me staring at the picture. I don't even know for how long I was staring at it.

Wriggling my eyesbrows at him. "When will you stop flattering yourself?"

"Well, I did nothing," he walks up to me. "You were the one to stare at it"

"I was wondering how pathetic we looked," I groan as he folds his lips and squeezes his eyes at the picture behind me.

"Well,  I look fine. I don't smile in pictures. You should talk about yourself," he says.

I part my lips in shock and turn around again.
What does he mean? I look pathetic?

"You mean to say I look pathetic?" I scowl at him.

"You said it, Mrs Scott," he rolls his eyes.

"So, you don't have the sense about what you should say to your wife in a situation like this?" I scream at the peak of my voice.


"Don't act so innocently. You can flirt with all the women existing on earth but you can call your wife pathetic. Get lost."

He's such a jerk. Fine! I called myself pathetic but he should have corrected me, right? But he literally agreed to it.

"Seriously, Iv," he sighed. "I didn't say-- "

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