Chapter 91 : He loves me

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I keep Ivanna on my lap cradling her head on my chest. Silent and helpless, I stare down at her, nuzzling her cheek and holding her hand.

"Baby," I whispered, looking at her burnt hand.
It's swollen and red. I can't bear a single scratch on her and now this---

"Driver faster," I yell.

"Yes, master" Ethan shivers.

The distance to the hospital doesn't seem to end. I can see her face turning pale with each passing second, making my heart twist.

She squirms in my arms as her lips shiver.

"Ch--- Chris," she murmurs. Her eyes are still closed.

"Iv, baby," I cup her cheeks. "What's happening? Talk to me"

She can barely talk and open her eyes. She is hardly moving her lips to mumble.

"Say something, please. Talk to me damn it," I rub my thumb on her cheek.

"It--- pain-- paining," she whines

"Where? Where is it paining? Tell me." I blurted out, in an attempt to keep her talking.

"Do-- some thing. Pl--ease," she whimpers.

"We're on the way to the hospital, baby. You'll be fine, Iv." I kiss her forehead. "I'll not let anything happen to you,"

I kiss her eyes, her forehead, her cheeks, her nose. I don't care if the damn chemical affects me. I just want her to feel better. I want her to know she's not alone.

I thought I was capable of doing anything in seconds. But watching her suffering in pain is making me helpless.


We finally reach the hospital and They take Ivanna immediately for the check up while I wait outside.

I wanted to be with her but the doctors are definitely not gonna allow it. I can only see her from outside. The feeling is terrible. It feels like someone has taken my soul out.

"What did the doctor say?" I hear Adrian behind and turn towards him.

There are more people from the firm with him. I grit my teeth at them, striving to hold my anger back.

"What kind of a fucking firm do you own?" I scream at the top of my voice and Strom towards him. "You can't even take care of the safety of your employee. This is how you guarantee their safety? I'm gonna sue your fucking firm," I point at him.

I have taken care of Ivanna just like a newborn baby. And that's what I expect her to be treated, no matter wherever she is.

Adrian is silent and doesn't even look at me.

"Mr Scott," a man said from behind him, was concerned. I find his name on the ID around his neck, Jacob. "Please calm down. We make sure our employees are safe"

"Then how come that dangerous chemical came near her? She's not supposed to be tackling such dangerous stuff. Why was it even allowed? Do you fucking know who she is? Ivanna Scott, She's my wife. Christian Scott's wife."

I lose control over my sanity and all I can rant about is how dare anyone not take care of her. I know she's nobody's responsibility. Still, my toxic trait says every damn creature on this earth should protect her from every danger.

"Mr Scott," Jacob sighs. "Please try to understand. That is a Lab. This is our Job. Even Ivanna's. She'll have to deal with them. I guided her and told her how to handle it. In fact, she's so focused on her work that she never makes a mistake I don't know how she dropped the chemical"

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