Chapter 103 : Reality Check

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It feels like we have gotten back to the old mornings when Christian used to leave before me with a note each day. It's been days since I have had breakfast with him. He again left early this morning.

I don't complain tho. He has always been compromising everything for me.

It feels good. In fact, the best to be someone's priority. I was too young to remember everything with mom. After her, I was always a second choice for everyone.

Dad used to love Irene more than me. Still does. Maybe, because he loved Janice more than mom. Irene was born out of a relationship with love, and I was born out of a loveless marriage.

I always thought I would never be able to know how it feels to be someone's priority. No one would ever choose me over anything.

Then, a miracle happened and everything changed. After Christian, everything changed.

I smile lovingly, turning the pages of the book on my lap and sipping from the coffee.

"Ivanna," Mrs Fisher distracts me as I look back.

She walks into the balcony.

"Sorry to disturb you. But you have a visitor," she says.

I get confused. Visitor here? Emily hardly comes to the villa. It can be Irene. Maybe, she got to know about the accident. We are not getting along lately but as a stepsister, she has always been a sweetheart. I hope she just accepts the truth of my life now.

"It must be Irene. Send her, please," I smile at her.
Mrs Fisher hesitates, "well, it's not Miss Irene. He is from your workplace. Mr Adrian"

Her words come out like an electric shock. I was definitely not expecting Adrian over here. Not in this villa. It was fine until we were only in the firm.

Why did he come here?


"Should I send him?"

"No," I immediately snapped.

Not in our freaking bedroom, of course. That will be gross.


"Why are you here?" The First question I ask, reaching near the fence.

Adrian's back is facing me when I reach the garden and he immediately turns.

"That's not how you are supposed to greet me at your place" he gives me a smile.

I let out a deep sigh.

"You know why I'm saying so"

"Scared that your husband might know about it?"

"No, " I frown at him. "Even if he knows, he's definitely gonna take if positively. It's me who doesn't like me all this"

"Like what?" He steps closer and I take my steps back carefully. "All this? Do you mean my arrival over here? I just came to see you"

"I'm fine now. And you could call me," I say, driving my eyes away.

"I wanted to see you"

"You can't," I look at him aggressively. "We can only meet at work. I told you that our relationship will be highly professional. I expect you to be mature enough, Adrian"

"It's not my fault," he darts his eyes in me. "It's not my fault that I care about you, think about you all day. But I can't express"

"Yeah. It's not your fault," I choke, gathering some courage to speak. "But how did you survive without me for months? Almost a year. I never regretted what we had. Because I believe you made me smile at least once. But if you keep doing all this, I might regret meeting you"

"I haven't done anything yet, Ivanna." He groans.
My heart sinks with that statement.

"Do you want me to quit?" I whisper.

Only if he remains healthy with me, I will continue. But how he's not giving me healthy vibes at all.

"No. I'm not harrassing you. Am I?"

"Not yet"

"Yeah. Not yet. And never. I can never nag you and force you to leave the job which you deserve. I would stay miles away from you only if you were actually happy"

I get stunned and gawk at him in disbelief.

"What do you mean to say?"

"You know it," his cold eyes lingering on me. "You can easily figure out what I wanna say. You're not happy"



Like what the fuck!

"What nonsense," I exclaim. "Who said this rubbish to you?"

"It's not a secret to me anymore, Ivanna. I know how Christian Scott forced you to marry him"

My mouth falls open with his words as I gape at him. How does he know about it.

No one except my family and Christian's staff knew about this huge secret. How did Adrian----

I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to give him a single chance to point out my husband. Obviously, now he has the chance.

"What happened? You didn't expect this, right? You his this from me because you knew your rich brat husband is gonna harm both of us for this. Especially me"

"Adrian!" I scream at the top of my lungs, gulping down the anger after what he said about Christian but he continues to speak.

"The truth is you're not happy, Ivanna. You're not happy," he walks closer and I step back.

"Just stop" with another scream, he stops.

My body shivers with frustration and outrage as I glare at him.

"Not a single word against him, Adrian Sarkis. Not a single one," I point at him and calm down. "I know anyone at your place would assume the same. But let me give you the reality check. I. Have. Never.Been.So.Happy.In.My.Entire.Life"
I gasp under my breath, looking straight into his eyes.

"No one ever loved me morethan him. No one ever made me feel so precious before him," I gulp down. "Before him, it was-- you know I do g even wanna remember how my life was before him. But after him. But after him, I don't wanna imagine my life"

I breathe heavily, keeping the eye contact stren.

"If you got the reality check, please leave. I'll only meet you when you'll be out of your misunderstanding and accept the truth"

I don't wait another and walk faster towards the villa with my pounding heart.

"How much will you lie, Ivanna? Your fear shows how you're forced to live with that man. I'll get you out of it soon. Mark my words"

He screams and I don't stop.

He may be right, I'm fearing.

But I'm afraid of hurting Christian, not getting hurt by him.

Ivanna: "can you come home soon today? I wanna talk about something urgent. It's really urgent, Christian."

I leave a message to him.

[Note: Sorry for the late update as I was not keeping well so couldn't update for a few days... And thank you to all my lovely readers.... I hope you enjoying don't forget to comment and follow]

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