Chapter 33 : The Date - 2 (Hurtful confession)

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"Are you sure you want ice cream because you said you're hungry?" I groan when she comes to me with two bars of ice cream.

"Yeah. Don't you think I can cool down my stomach with it?" She giggles as we find a peaceful place at the corner of the carnival. She sits under a tree and tells me to sit down next to her.

I don't dare to deny and sit on the grass, cross legged. She hands me mine and starts taking big bites of her ice cream, her lips slightly covered with the vanilla cream which makes her look no less than a kid. I laugh silently as her eyes come at me. She scans my hand and friend.

"Your ice cream is gonna melt"

"I didn't ask for it," I shrug.

"But I gave you, right? Finish that. Don't waste it," she glares at me and looks over the fence where Colton is standing like a statue.

"You know you can sit, Colton," Ivanna tells him

"I'm fine, Mrs Scott. Please enjoy," he says with no reaction.

"It's Ivanna how many times to tell you," She narrows her eyes at him, "And you're standing for an hour. Just sit down,"

Colton looks at me helplessly and I nod at him so he can sit. Ivanna fumes at me, "you're a monster. Seriously. It's Ridiculous, You haunt them so much that they seek your permission to even sit. "

She takes big bites of her ice cream as I giggle. "I don't haunt them. They are too obedient to their job. Stop making me a bad guy all the time," I tell and try to take a bite.

My teeth shiver as soon as I take the bite.

"Argh! My teeth," I hiss, curling my face.

"Seriously, I can't with you. You're an alien. Who struggles to eat ice cream?" She rolls her eyes.

"Me," I scoff. I don't think I can finish half of it. But this evil woman isn't gonna spare me today.
My phone buzze as I strive to find it in my pocket.

"You said you're gonna toss your phone aside from our space," she twitches her lips into a short smirk while eating.

"So, you want me to kiss you right here and--- " I playfully smile at her. Her face drains right away. Turning completely red. I chuckle and pick up my phone.

"Yeah, Kane"

"Where are you again? Nicole said you suddenly disappeared," he panics.

"Are you dumb to understand that" I say

"Ah! Well, I know you're not single anymore but seriously stop doing such things like a teenager, at least, inform any of us before going on secret dates," he scoffs.

"What's the issue? Tell me that first. You can rant later," I look at Ivanna licking her thin fingers. My smile doesn't fade away. When she is around, doing all these adorable things, I can't stop smiling.

"The dealer is insisting on meeting you today," he says.

"Today? I exclaim, keeping my eyes still on her. Just then, she looks at me, the colour of her face fading away as she rolls her eyes full of disappointment.

I don't know what she's expecting from me now. We didn't have a plan for the entire day but it seems like she really wants it. She looks away again, focusing back on her ice cream.

"Postpone," I tell him

"What?" Kane blurts out as Ivanna looks at me.

"Can't you hear, Kane? I said postpone," I groan. She presses her lips but I still spot a smile curving on her face.

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