Chapter 41 : The Stalker Husband

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"The truth is I got married to you because I wanted you, Iv. I want you in my life, Forever."

His words echo inside my head as I stare at him sleeping soundly on me, his head as usual placed on my chest and his hands covering my stomach.

When the morning sunlight flickers into the room is when realised it's morning. I couldn't sleep the entire night after his confession. I don't know what he meant to say. We never met before the wedding then how he--- does that mean Irene was right? He literally dumped my sister for me and made her hostage.

I feel no less than a culprit and it irks me to know he can do this to a woman he once loved. If he can ditch a girl whom he loved for almost a year, what am I? I'm just a wife of two months! Just two fucking months.

My eyes burn as I try to hold my tears back.
It shouldn't affect me, right? I have sworn not to feel anything for him and I am glad that he is giving me a reason to hate him, to not trust him anymore.

I feel him moving over me and I immediately close my eyes, pretending to sleep, I don't want him to know that I was awake and didn't sleep.

I can feel his weight lift of me and he moves his hand. But he's still there. I can feel his presence, u can feel his breath. What's he doing for so long next me when he is awake? I don't know, then his fingers land over my forehead it makes me shiver a bit, i try not to react much.

His fingers trace down to my cheek, delivering goosebumps all over me. I feel like pushing his hand away but I can't help.

"Thanks for not being the early bird," his chuckles comes. "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to stare at you every morning."

My heart twitches with his words. I feel his lips on my forehead. Does he do this every morning? Every single morning?

After a few minutes, I hear the sound of washroom door close and I open my eyes. Staring in front I find myself in a dilemma. Which version of his is real? What is he? What does he want from me?

I know nothing, nor did he give me any explanation last night. The only reason why I accepted his offer last night was that I didn't want my family to suffer because of me.

Until now I was thinking I was the victim and my family was the culprit to our me in an unexpected situation but now I know how much they have suffered because of me, especially Irene. She was betrayed and locked inside a damn outhouse for two long fucking months. I don't know how she took all that.

"You are up early, today?" Christian asks while wiping his hairs as his eyes meet mine.
He narrows his eyes, looking at me carefully and asks "you didn't sleep?"

"I did"

"You didn't. I can tell that by looking at your eyes," he groans.

"You're not so important that I would ruin my sleep because of you." I climb down from the bed and walk into the closet.

I have an important test today and I don't have anything in my head. It freaks me out. As I take my clothes out, Christian takes them from me.

"You're not going to the University today," he says.

"I'm not running away, Christian. I don't betray people like you do." I glare at him, striving to take my clothes but he holds my wrist tightly, pulling me closer to him

"I know," he stares at me intensely. "I know you won't run away but I think you need rest today. You haven't slept the entire night, Iv."

I peer into his eyes, trying my best to find it fake. It's fake. His concern is fake. I tell myself repeatedly. But his eyes say the different thing, or else I'm stupid to fall for his words.

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