Chapter 105 : Possessed him

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I feel a lump in my throat, making it hard for me to utter something. His cold ruddy gaze dart on me like a hazard. As I strive to speak up for myself, he Yanks my arm, pulling me up from the bed and grabs my both arms tightly, pulling me closer to him.

My body becomes completely numb in fear and anticipation.

"Ch-- Chris. What are you-- " my voice trembles.

"I--- what?" His groans again snatches my courage from me. It's not that I can't argue back for myself but when we get such a reaction from a person who hardly becomes this harsh with you, the feeling is beyond explaining.

"You trust him so much? So much that you think he can't do anything. Where was your trust when I continuously said I love you? Where was your trust when I repeated every time that there had been no one in my life except you? Where was your fucking trust?" He yelled at the top of his lungs, shuddering at me from the core.

I can explain.

I have explanations.

I'm not trusting Adrian but I'm trusting only him. I believe Adrian will never dare to do anything if he stays by my side. I believe that he loves me. I believe that I have always been the one in his life.
But my voice doesn't support me to defend myself. I never imagined he would misunderstand me like this. My tears don't stop flowing.

"Just a night. You just spend a fucking night with him. That's it. And I gave you years of my life," he shrugs.


I don't know what he meant by years when we just know each other for months. Nonetheless, it's not the time to think about it.

"Or else those three weeks when he might have manipulated you to this extent that you kept hiding this to save him" he yells.

My eyes enlarge at him as I see his nerves shaking under his skin in a range.

"You could never love me no matter whatever I did to make you love me. But that one fucking night was enough to make you love him," he grunts

My breath catches. I don't know why I still can't hear anything against that night, the person, the moments. It'll always be a part of my life that I can never forget. I told him. I warned him about it. I just wanted to keep that memory safe. But it seems like he wants to wipe away every single thing related to my past

"Don't curse about that night please" I whisper, covering my ears

"Why can't you hear anything about that night? Why can't you? Just because you're not ready to forget it. How will you even love me if you're so fucking adamant not to forget everything that happened?" He pushes me against the wall, leaving me all in tears.

My head feels heavy, my body shivering from the core. I am pinned against the wall, sobbing out of his harsh words.

I don't know what Possessed him, what angered him this way. He has always been considerate about my past and I never saw him getting angered by the feelings I had for the person before.

Then why now?

Why now when I'm literally trying to walk away from Adrian? I just want to maintain normalcy.
That's it.

Adrian knows that he has to face a consequence later. Why can't Christian just understand that?

I want to say something many things but I doubt if he will understand me in this kind of situation. He'll only misunderstand me. He'll only find an opposite explanation of my words.

I just want him to be the person I will be proud of.
I want to face Adrian with confidence. I want to prove him wrong about Christian. If I quit today, Adrian's thoughts about Christian will win.

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