Chapter 86 : You're my best

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As I told Adrian, I reached the firm after my classes ended. Everyone kept asking me why I left suddenly yesterday to which I had no answer. Adrian didn't show up the entire day which was a kind of relief.

I'm assured that he's not going to trouble me but the awkwardness will surely kill me. I wonder how things can change overnight.

Just a day before I knew about him, I was still adamant in my place with a bunch of things to tell that person. But when the moment came, I ran away from him.

Sometimes I feel, it wasn't overnight. The change happened to me gradually but I kept giving myself false explanations that I'm still into him. At this moment, or even in the future, I'll never tell him about my pregnancy, not even the truth behind my marriage with Christian.

I fear Adrian's silence and consideration will change if he gets to know any of these secrets.

"Are you gonna stay late?" Tina asks while packing her stuff.

"Yeah. I left some work undone yesterday. So--- " I smile and focus back on the work.

"Okay, then. Bye"

After Tina's exit only I and Quinn are in the firm. I can hear her typing in the next cabin. It's been late today and I wonder if Christian has already gotten back home. He never says anything if I get late but I like to be there before he arrives.

Checking the time, I gather my stuff and rush towards the exit.

"Shut!" I seethe, bumping into someone and immediately look up.

And I see Adrian in front of me, my voice slips down to my throat again.

"I'm sorry," I mumble. "I was in a rush"

He stares at me-- like always.

This is the reason I never want Christian to be around when Adrian is with me. Christian is gonna lose if he finds Adrian staring at me this way.

"That's fine," Adrian stammers. "You're still here today? I thought you had already left so I came up"

I gawk at him.

"Well, I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around me. So--- "

"I had some work left" I interrupted.

"Oh! But it's too late. I don't let anyone work this late and if you have work piled up, you can pass it to someone else. You're an intern, not an employee"

"Sure. Will do,", I give him a tight lipped smile.

"Thanks for keeping my request " se sighs. "You must be wondering why I was requesting "

"No. I know you're concerned about the firm"

"Yeah. And It's still new. Candidates don't wanna work with low salaries"

"Passion matters," I tell him. "Salary is the second thing"

"But still, according to your qualifications, it's not enough".

We walk towards the exit, keeping a big gap, looking down and only talking.

Honestly, it's not bad to talk to him about such things if I don't even try to remember the past.

"As you said, I'm still not an employee. I'm learning. How can I ask for such a big salary?"

"I always liked your smartness. A night was enough to know you're a smart woman," he laughs abruptly as I gulp down glancing at him.

His face drains as if he realised what he just said.

A silence occurs between us and I think I should clear something important to him now.

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