Chapter 38 : He's a monster

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My words get stuck in my throat when I look at my step sister standing in front of me. She has disappeared since the day of my wedding and never in my imagination did I expect to find her here.

"Ivanna!" She runs towards me and hugs me tightly, bringing me back to my senses. I hug her back.

"Irene! You," I clamour. "Where have you been for so long? How did you come to Texas?"

She says nothing for a while and the next moment I hear her sobbing.

"Irene, are you alright? Why are you crying?" I immediately break the hug and hold her hands scanning her broken face. I still can't believe she's here, behind a locked door.

"Tell me. I gave so many questions for you. Why did you run away from your wedding? You know there was a big blunder after you left. You shouldn't have done that to Christian at the last moment. Now, you're here. Who brought you here?" I come up with a bunch of questions and she answers none of them.

Her brown eyes darted on me, calm and cold.

"Irene," I hold her shoulders. "Will you speak up?"
"You got married to him?" Her words give me unusual anxiety.

"I had no option," I told her. "You should have denied it earlier instead of turning him down on the wedding day"

I can't believe I'm defending Christian over the thing for which I hated him. Did I ever hate him? I don't think I did. And I know Irene is at the biggest fault for creating the mess.

"I didn't turn him down," her voice is cold. "He abducted me on the wedding day,"

My head goes numb for a moment. I don't find words to speak, nor can I believe what she just said. I think I misheard her.

"Wh--- what?" My voice throbs as I shake my head in disbelief.

"Yes, he kidnapped me the day of the wedding, made me a hostage and threw me in the locked house where I have been staying for two long months."

My heart twists with her words, something I never expected to hear. Something I can hardly believe.

I grab my head while breathing heavily as my legs wobble.

He can't do this.

He's not like that.

My subconscious screams at me, defending him continuously.

"I didn't know he would betray never such a manner," she seethes. "I told you how happy I was. Then why will I even run away, Ivanna? Didn't I tell you how excited I was about my wedding? How can you think that I was the culprit?"

"No," I stammered and looked at her. "You're mistaken, I think, He can't do this. He's not like that, Irene. He's arrogant and sometimes stubborn, sometimes he's a stupid jerk. But he can't do something like this. I can't believe it," my voice breaks and my eyes burn with tears.

Irene stares at me with her cold eyes for a while and then smirks as if she finds it funny.

"He's really good at it, Ivanna. Undoubtedly, he knows how to make women fall for him, how to make them blind. He did the same with you," her words come out as a taunt.

It feels like a crack occurring in my heart. I don't think I can take it. My heart can't take it.

"Irene, you're terribly misunderstanding him." I scoff at her.

"Yeah, Ivanna. I'm wrong. Right? How long have you known him? Two months? I have known him for eight months. I know what he is," she urged in terror. "He's a monster, Ivanna. Wearing the mask of a gentleman, he's the true monster who will show his true colours soon. You'll believe my words then."

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