Chapter 67: A New, Better Day

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The next morning Yichen once again woke up before Mochou. He looked down at him sleeping comfortably in his arms and was tempted to stay in bed cuddling a little longer.

"I can't. I need to go to work." Yichen reminded himself as he expertly slipped out of bed. Mochou grumbled a little when he did. His hands tapping and pulling at the quilt dissatisfied.

"How cute." Yichen loving thought.

It didn't take long before Yichen got dressed, packed, and was ready to leave. He thought about making breakfast but didn't. He wasn't feeling hungry enough to eat alone.

Staying by the bed ready to leave Yichen bent down and kissed Mochou goodbye.

"Goodbye." He whispered.

"Don't go." Mochou mumbled back in his sleep.

Yichen knew Mochou was sleep talking but his heart nearly melted at the request. Tempted to slip back in bed and skip work he caressed Mochou's face.

Knock... knock

His reverie was shattered when he heard a loud knock at the front gate.

Afraid the noise might wake his sleeping cutie Yichen hurried to answer it. He swung the gate open and jumped outside before the unwanted guest had a chance to speak.

"Yichen, I'm glad I caught you." His youngest brother Yi Xuan said.

"Why are you here?" Yichen snapped back unhappily. He was far from happy to see his younger brother at his door early in the morning.

"Mom sent me. She wants me to escort Mochou over to the house." Yi Xuan said.

"He isn't going." Yichen said.

"Don't be like this. Mom's sorry about what happened yesterday."

"If she's sorry why isn't she here to say it herself?"

"Sister-in-law Meng Yao has been vomiting all morning. Mom can't leave her side so she sent me instead." He confessed.

"She expects me to forgive her for treating my spouse like crap when she can't even spare a few minutes to come apologize? Tell mom I'm not interested in her apology." Yichen exclaimed angrily.

"Big brother Yichen don't be like this. You know mom wouldn't have done that if she knew sister-in-law Mochou was pregnant. Give her a break." Yi Xuan reasoned.

"It shouldn't matter that he is pregnant. I asked her to make sure he got rest because of his health. Instead she put him to work."

Yichen decided not to waste time talking to his brother and headed into the village towards the clinic. His brother however persistently followed behind trying to reason with him.

"Did you really expect mom to let him sleep all day? You've seen how she treats Ke Xin. She doesn't go easy on anyone but the pregnant Meng Yao."

Yichen glared at him. He knew Yi Xuan was right about their mother. He had seen the way she treated Ke Xin but he thought it would be different with Mochou. Apparently he was being naive.

"You should have seen her shouting at Ke Xin after you left. She kept asking why she wasn't pregnant despite being married to big brother Yi Nao for over a year." Yi Xuan said hoping to lighten the mood.

"Is that supposed to make me happy?"

"Look at it this way. Mom didn't treat Mochou terrible because she hates him. She did it because he isn't pregnant. But turns out he is pregnant so she can start treating him better." Yi Xuan said.

"You call sending you over at the crack of dawn as treating him better?" Yichen questioned with scorn.

"Will you forgive her if she came herself? If you will I'm sure I can convince her to to do it." Yi Xuan said.

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