Chapter 47: Midnight Snack

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In the middle of the night Mochou woke up feeling hungry. Their fun ended late and Mochou didn't have any energy after they were done to cook or eat so they went straight to bed after cleaning up.

Now hours later Mochou regretted giving in as he held his grumbling stomach. He quietly sat up while doing his best not to wake his sleeping husband.

After sneaking out of bed he looked down at Yichen who was sleeping with a big goofy grin on his face. Seeing it suddenly reminded Mochou of what happened while making love.

"What's with that satisfied grin? If I get pregnant because you were too passionate to pull out I'll make sure you can't touch me until the baby is born." Mochou cursed under his breath as he held back from smacking Yichen in the face.

All the plans they made to be careful were gone the moment Yichen got his hands him. At the time Mochou could do nothing to stop it because the feeling was overwhelmingly good. However now that he had time to think he was less than pleased.

As he grumbled about the possibilities Mochou grabbed a few carrots and snuck outside to wash and eat them. Sitting under the tree Mochou munched on his carrots and looked up at the stars.

"The sky is filled with so many beautiful stars." Mochou thought as he looked up at it.

"Strange... isn't that Ursa Minor? No it can't be. No matter how close this world seems to Earth it can't have the same stars, can it?" Mochou mused as he looked up at the night sky.

Unfortunately the more he looked the more confused he became. It was true the sky had an abundance of stars but all the constellations including Polaris, Ursa Major, the zodiacs, and other easily identifiable constellations were present in the sky. The most amazing find was Jupiter. Mochou could swear he recognized Jupiter.

"No way! This must be a joke. If that really is Jupiter than this must be Earth. Did I really go back to the past? No... no that can't be right. Earth doesn't have GERs." Mochou muttered as he stared at the sky some more.

His mind was filling with crazy theories when suddenly he heard a sound from the dark forest.


Mochou hid behind the tree and slowly peeked around it trying to see what was going on. At first, because of the darkness Mochou couldn't see anything but then he noticed three shadows moving between the trees.

"Who are they? What are they doing here?" Mochou wondered.

It was currently the middle of the night and no sane person would be wandering the forest at this time. Not unless they had something to do that couldn't be seen by others.

"We shouldn't be here." A voice quietly whispered.

"We checked the traps and their empty that could only mean someone came to get them." A rougher voice whispered back.

"I checked earlier. I didn't see any rabbits in the yard. They probably didn't catch anything."

"Impossible! Just the other day every trap had a rabbit or bird caught in it. I can't believe nothing was caught. They probably hid them."

"Please, we shouldn't do this. Stealing from the traps is one thing but taking it from their home is another. We can't do this. What if we get caught?"

"Shut up it's the middle of the night. As long as we're quiet no one will wake up."

"I'm telling you it's suspicious. The traps were destroyed. Maybe they know we stole what they caught."

"Quit being a coward. We reset every trap. There is no way they'd know we messed with them."

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