Chapter 19: Be Patient

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"Mom! Dad! You're back! How's Mochou? Is he okay? Did you tell him I'm sorry for not coming? How did he react? Was he afraid? How's his health? Did he collapse?!" Yichen shouted the moment his parents walked past the gate.

"Mom, dad, please deal with big brother Yichen! He's been driving us crazy all morning with his stupid pacing and grumbling." Yi Xuan complained as he ran towards them.

"Let's return inside to speak." Yichen's father said.

Yichen was as incredibly anxious. He couldn't wait to find out if his mother was willing to let them get married.

"Mom, dad about the marriage...?"

"We will discuss it inside." Yichen's mother stressed.

Yichen was desperate for answers so he nearly ran inside and sat down. His leg was jumping up and down as he impatiently waited for his parents.

Joining them was Yi Xuan, Ke Xin, and Meng Yao. Their husbands, Yichen's older brothers were currently at work so they would have to wait until dinner time to hear about the decision.

Yichen's parents didn't rush. Which only made him more uncomfortable. When they finally sat down they placed the bamboo steamer on the table for everyone. Yichen didn't care about it. He was only interested in what his parents had to say.

Yi Xuan on the other hand reached out and snatched one of the still warm buns. He took one bite, than another, and another until the rather large bun was completely gone.

"Dad, mom what..."

"So good!" Yi Xuan exclaimed so loud he completely cut off Yichen.

"Yi Xuan would you shut up! Mom and dad are about to tell me if I can marry Mochou!" Yichen shouted in anger.

"Sorry, but these things are delicious. They are super fluffy and the bamboo shoot inside are nice and crunchy." Yi Xuan said.

Yichen finally looked down at the bamboo steam basket of buns. Either a strange feeling of familiarity he squinted his eyes curiously.

"Why does that look so familiar?" He asked himself. Before he could figure it out his father revealed the truth.

"These were made by Mochou." He said as he took one of the buns.

"What?! Why did you take his food? Mochou's already so thin and I only just brought him flour yesterday. He can't afford to give food away?" Yichen complained as he grabbed the steamer and cradled it in his arms protectively.

"Yichen, stop acting like a child. Put the basket down!" His mother shouted.


"Mochou gave those buns for us to share with everyone. We did not steal them."

"He can't afford to give food away." Yichen pouted.

"Even poor, Mochou understands how to be hospitable and treats his guests well. Unlike you he is a mature and thoughtful individual. You have a lot to learn from him." She continued.

"Does... does that mean I can marry him?!" Yichen loudly asked hopeful of his mother's answer.

"After meeting him I am willing to allow this marriage." Yichen's mother confirmed.

Yichen jumped out of his chair. When he did he almost dropped the buns Mochou had made.

"Hey! Don't waste those. They are delicious." Yi Xuan said as he reached out to grab the steamer.

Yichen realized his mistake and quietly put the basket back on the table.

While all this happened his father quietly ate the bun he had taken with a smile. Yi Xuan reached out to grab another bun but Yichen tried to stop him.

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