Chapter 60: Shopping Spree (NSFW)

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Yichen ended up having difficulty keeping his promise to Mochou. After buying the additional herbs, eggs, dried fruit, and meat he wandered over to the carpenter.

"Good morning. I'd like to request furniture for my home." Yichen stated.

"Morning. I'll go get the owner Haoran." The salesclerk said.

Yichen looked around the store while he waited. He went to the same store as before when looking for wood with Mochou. He waited until the man they met previously came out.

"I'm Haoran. We have several premade pieces or would you prefer custom requests?" The man said without pause. Yichen didn't mind the lack of small talk. He walked over and took out some papers to show Haoran.

"My spouse and I drew up a few designs. We are also willing to buy premade pieces but we have a tight budget."Yichen said.

The papers he pulled out were drawn by Mochou. Papers he snuck out of the hut this morning when Mochou wasn't looking.

The first was a sofa set. It was a large sofa with a u shape. The main part could easily seat three people that ended with a chaise lounge. On the other end was a wide chair. That attached to the sofa with a corner table. It was a large piece with a lot of storage under the seats. Mochou was also determined to have a lot of cushions once it was built.

Haoran looked at the design. The designs themselves were well thought out and detailed. As he looked them over Yichen explained each part.

"This is doable but it will take a few weeks to build and a cost of 1 small gold." Haoran said.

"That's expensive. We also have to buy the cushions Mochou wants." Yichen thought. He knew the price was high but not once did he consider not having it made for Mochou.

"The house won't be ready for a few months. As for the cost it's within the budget." Yichen said before showing the second drawing.

This was a cabinet for his medicinal room. It had several dozen small cabinet drawers to store herbs. A board with pegs to hang herbs for drying and a tabletop. This piece was similar to something Haoran had built before so he didn't have any other questions and they moved to the next image.

Next was a cabinet for the kitchen, then a wardrobe for the bedroom, and finally the bath.

"Are these all the custom pieces you plan on ordering?" Haoran asked.

"We have another piece or two however I wont have the designs prepared for a couple weeks." Yichen said. The furniture he planned to have custom built was for the baby's room.

"I will be busy the next month working on the current designs. We can discuss the other pieces at a later time. Haoran said.

"We have several other pieces of furniture we will need to purchase. Although we are fine with premade pieces we would appreciate it if they looked similar in design to our custom pieces." Yichen said.

"I will keep that in mind when making each piece." Haoran said.

"I appreciate the help. About the cost."

"It depends on the size of your home. May I ask how many additional rooms you will need furniture for?"

Yichen was ready for the request so he took out the drawing for the house. He then gave a quick explanation of each room.

"With the custom and premade furniture it will cost anywhere between 2-3 large gold coins." Haoran said.

The cost was a lot and the estimate had a wide range but Yichen wasn't surprised. Not all the furniture pieces had been decided and the custom pieces he asked for were relatively complicated and large.

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