Chapter 64: Rules

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Yichen had been preoccupied with trying to manage his own feelings and thoughts to notice anything else. It wasn't until after he finished washing the dishes that he finally had the time to calm down.

"I'm glad Mochou has started to understand that what he did earlier wasn't okay. However the underlying problem is still there. He seems to lack an understanding of what it means to be pregnant. I didn't want to scare him earlier so I didn't discuss the risks involved with pregnancy. Now I think I have to say something." Yichen mused while washing the dishes.

Since what happened in the forest Yichen had been trying to think of a way to help Mochou understand that he wasn't alone anymore and that he didn't need to do everything himself. Unfortunately while thinking he became cold and distant and gave Mochou the wrong impression.

After awhile he decided on a plan. Now, with a clear head he returned inside with the washed dishes.

"Mochou we need to... What's that?"

Stepping into the hut with a clear head he finally had the time to notice other things. Mochou was sitting at the table holding a beautifully carved horse. He hadn't noticed it before because he was lost in thought.

"I took the wooden horse you bought and carved more details into it. Do you like it?" Mochou said as he held up the little wooden horse.

"It's beautiful. Did you really carve it yourself?" Yichen forgot what he came inside to do and was now looking at the carving with rapped attention.

"I did. Do you think it will sell?" Mochou asked.

"It will. You could sell something like this for a lot more than ten small copper. Mochou how did you learn to carve wood this well?"

Yichen knew Mochou had more than a few secrets. He had always wondered about how he learned to set traps and identify edible plants. Even his ability to cook seemed strange considering what he knew about Mochou's past. However he could still pass it off as him being an observant person. That maybe he learned by watching others.

However wood carving wasn't something he would have been able to watch. Carpenters were rather secretive about their techniques and they certainly wouldn't have been carving in places Mochou could watch from. Mochou also didn't own any tools to practice with in his little hut.

"I..."  Mochou once again hesitated to answer. After everything that happened he was beginning to feel terrible for not telling Yichen the truth about his past.

Seeing Mochou's nervousness Yichen decided it would be better to not pry. He looked at the little carving in awe and worry when he remembered Mochou going into the forest to chop down a tree.

"Mochou this carving is great and it will certainly sell for a lot. However before you even consider making more we need to go over some rules." Yichen said.

He was curious about Mochou's talent but it also reminded him of the bigger problem.


"You know many unusual things but you lack common sense. I've decided we need rules so you don't do anything dangerous again." Yichen stated.

"Okay." Mochou quietly agreed. He didn't want Yichen to treat him coldly again so he was willing to do anything to repair the damage he caused.

"These rules aren't because I want you to change. I love you exactly the way you are. These rules are because you are a pregnant GER. I didn't say anything previously because I didn't want to frighten you but as a GER you are at a higher risk."

"Risk for what?"

"Miscarriage and other complications?"

Mochou felt a weight on his chest. He knew things wouldn't be easy but he never thought he could lose the baby.

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