Chapter 8: First Meeting

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Mochou busily tried his best to make several dozen traps out of reeds he gathered from the river. The plan was simple. He would use them to catch as many rabbits and birds as possible over the next few days.

The reeds were long and versatile not to mention free. It took the full morning to make several baskets, nooses and other traps he could use to catch the prey alive. He also made a cage for them inside his yard so he could keep them alive.

"I don't know when I'll be able to sell them so keeping them alive is the safest bet." He told himself. Once done he decided to eat lunch. He made a nutritious salad with watercress, dandelions, and shuixiangcai. Along with it he made a soup with burdock roots and other vegetables. It didn't have any meat but Mochou had eaten fish for breakfast so he didn't mind.

"Let's go." He cheered as he left the hut. He felt much better than the previous day and although setting traps in the afternoon wasn't the best it was the all he could do.

Once outside the hut he took a deep breath in and...


Mochou was hit by another mind numbingly painful headache. This was the third time it had happened so he wasn't afraid. In fact he looked forward to learning more about the boy's past. The only thing he wished was different was that he wasn't in pain each time.

Lights flashing before his eyes Mochou collapsed.


| "Where am I this time?" Mochou wondered. Unlike the previous dreams he found himself in a house. It wasn't luxurious but it looked clean and made of wood. Compared to his hut it felt almost surreal to be in such a nice place. Not only was the place different Mochou's body seemed much smaller, younger.

"Why were you born a GER! A man suddenly appeared from behind him yelling. The boy raised his arms out of fear and in a poor attempt to protect himself as the man began to hit him with a bamboo swatch.

Right away Mochou wanted to fight back. He was never a person who would allow himself to get beaten without fighting back.

Unfortunately this was the dreamworld and he could do nothing but endure. Much like the boy had done.

As the man hit him Mochou noticed a woman appear.

"Husband please stop. He may be a GER but look at his eyes. They are so bright he must be fertile. Many people will want him." She said.

Mochou was confused. "What do my eyes have to do with fertility?" And why are they calling me a GER again.

"If I wanted someone to marry off a girl would have been better. Not this GER." The man shouted back as he swung the swatch at the woman. The woman fell when she was hit. Tears flowing down her face.

Satisfied the man staggered away. Seeing his unsteady gate Mochou believed the man must have been drunk.

"So this is how you got all those scars. You were abused." Mochou said with disdain and pity.

When the man was gone Mochou expected the woman and boy to check on each others well being. But it was different than expected.

The boy's nightmare continued. This time it was the woman who decided to take her anger out on the boy.

"This is all your fault! Why couldn't you have been born a boy? All he asked for when we married was for me to bare him a son. Why were you born a GER!" The woman wailed as she smacked the boy.

Mochou became even angrier. The incident reminded him of when his parents disowned him for being gay. The words were different but the meaning was the same.

After Death, I Finally Met The Man Of My Dreams Where stories live. Discover now