Chapter 43: Buying Land (pt.1)

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The morning passed quickly and it was now noon. Mochou looked at the leftovers and they still had some chicken and vegetables left. Enough to make a quick stir fry for lunch. The only problem was if the food was still good.

"Yichen do you think it's still okay to eat?" Mochou asked after unwrapping the last of the chicken. It looked fine but Mochou couldn't help but worry because it had almost been a full day since he cooked it.

"Does it smell bad?" Yichen asked.

"No, but it's meat. Won't it go bad after a day?" Mochou pointed out. He had gotten less squeamish about eating food that wasn't properly refrigerated during the apocalypse but the lessons he learned about food safety as a modern man still made him worry.

Yichen didn't see the problem. He walked over and had a look at the meat. Because they had properly covered it no insects got in and it was kept in a cool place. As far as he was concerned it was still good.

"It's fine. There shouldn't be any problems if we finish the meat today." Yichen said.

"Okay." Mochou said before taking it.

"How strange. He's clearly had problems eating enough but he still worries if the food has started to rot? Usually people who don't know when their next meal will be are willing to eat anything." Yichen thought as he watched Mochou carefully examine the leftover chicken.

"Mochou is your stomach okay?" Yichen couldn't help but wonder. If Mochou had a stomach ache. If he did it would explain is aversion to eating.

"No, I feel fine. I've been eating so well recently my stomach has improved a lot." Mochou said which only confused Yichen more.

"If you do get a stomachache or feel unwell tell me right away. I'll prepare you some medicine." Yichen said.

"Medicine, hmm. Yichen when will you start taking THAT medicine?" Mochou asked his cheeks changing from a light pink to crimson.

"That... Cough* I have most of the ingredients but I'm missing one. It's not the easiest to find so I will need to go to the pharmacy in town to byu some." Yichen answered his cheeks similarly red.

"I see. Is it too late to go after talking with your dad?" Mochou asked.

"Probably." Yichen reluctantly admitted.

When Mochou was asleep Yichen had some time to look through his kit for the ingredients. It was a recipe he knew well. His uncle often prescribed labourers or people from those types of establishments the medication. There were also a few mistresses who needed to take it because the first wife hadn't gotten pregnant yet. The reasons were plentiful so birth control drugs were actually quite popular.

"Then I guess we'll need to visit town again tomorrow." Mochou said with a sigh.

"You know there are other ways that don't require medication." Yichen hinted as he shifted his body closer to Mochou.

"There are but they aren't as reliable as taking medication." Mochou slowly said.

"Maybe if you were a woman but for a GER who naturally has low fertility, the risk is very very low." Yichen added as he moved closer and closer to Mochou.

Mochou seemed tempted by the offer, but even if he agreed now wasn't the time.

"Maybe we can explore our options tonight?" Mochou said after some thought.

"Why wait until tonight? We could try them now?" Yichen whispered in Mochou's ear.

Mochou turned to look at Yichen with big tempting eyes. Yichen gulped as he watch his eyelashes flutter. Drawn to Mochou like a moth to a flame he moved closer. His lips nearly touching Mochou's.

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