Chapter 81: Silent Night

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Yichen's eldest brother helped him return home through the silent streets. The whispering and noise he heard when he first arrived was now gone. It was now replaced with an eerie silence. Yichen didn't care that he was now looked at as a monster. He actually preferred it.

"You dared call my sweet Mochou a monster. Now I've showed you who the real monster is." Yichen thought as he glared at all those around him.

"Yichen stop glaring. Your show earlier was enough." Yi Ming said.

"I won't stop until everyone in this village understands the consequences of hurting my Mochou." Yichen said.

He looked back at the young children crying in the arms of their grandparents as their parents were carried back home. He felt no remorse only regret that those children weren't old enough for him to smack them around as well. Unfortunately children under the age of fifteen were protected by the law.

Yi Ming noticed his younger brother's eyes focusing on the boys responsible. Thinking of his own unborn child he decided to do something for his hurt brother.

"Those children they attend my school." Yi Ming hinted. Yichen looked at his brother a little surprised by his remark.

"I can't ask you to..."

"You aren't asking. I'm the one who does not want to teach those children." His brother said as he helped Yichen home.

"I doubt their families will agree." Yichen said. He appreciated his brother's support but he didn't want him to get involved and risk his reputation in the community.

"I have dedicated my life to teach the future leaders of this land. Those children are not fit to be leaders. I refuse to teach them and I am confident my colleagues will agree." Yi Ming explained.

Yichen lightly punched Yi Ming's shoulder. Not from anger, but thanks for his support.

When they reached the new house the sun had just dipped below the horizon. He planned to hurry inside to be with Mochou but before he did he turned to speak to his brother.

"Mom is probably going to want to come by but can you tell her not to. Mochou and I need some time alone for the next few days."

"I can tell her but I guarantee she will definitely insist on bringing you food."

"We don't need it. We need our privacy."

"At best I might be able to convince her to leave the food at the front of the gate."

"It's really not necessary." Yichen said.

"Necessary or not you should accept the help." Yi Ming said. Yichen sighed hard. He didn't have the energy to deal with anything or anyone right now.

"I'm going inside. Mochou is waiting for me." He said before disappearing through the gate.


Once inside Yichen found Mochou curled up on the sofa staring at the door.

"Mochou why aren't you in bed? You shouldn't be moving right now." Yichen chastised with worry.

"How did things go at the meeting?" Mochou asked as Yichen hurried to his side.

"The parents were punished and chances of the same thing happening again are low."

Yichen raised his hand to feel his forehead. Mochou didn't mind. He had gotten used to Yichen's habit of checking his temperature regularly.

"Wait! What happened to your hand." Mochou exclaimed as he grabbed it. Yichen's hand was bloody and injured.

"It's fine."

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