Chapter 53: Dinner Guest

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After Yichen finished building the drying rack for their laundry he checked on the chickens and fed his little pet quail.

"Hey big bro!" Yi Xuan called out from outside the yard. He lifted his leg planning to hop the wall once he got his brother's attention but Yichen shouted for him to stop first.

"Don't! If you want to visit go to the front gate. Once there knock and wait for me to let you in." Yichen shouted.

"Why? That's such a waste of time."

"It's not a waste of time. This is our home and you aren't allowed to barge in whenever you want." Yichen said. He normally wouldn't care but after what happened earlier with Mochou he needed to be careful.

"Yichen? Who's here?" Mochou asked as he peeked out the door of the hut.

"It's my younger brother Yi Xuan. Do you mind if he comes in?" Yichen said.

"It's fine." Mochou shouted back calmly.

"Seems fine to me." Yi Xuan said before hopping over the wall like he originally planned to do.

Yichen stomped over to his younger brother frustrated and annoyed by his nonchalant behaviour despite just breaking into his home.

"You can't do that again. The wall is short but it's still a wall. Climbing over it is not okay." Yichen lectured.

"Why? What's the difference if I go through that creaky old gate or the wall? It's not like either will stop me or anyone else from coming in." Yi Xuan pointed out.

"The difference is that Mochou doesn't feel safe right now and having people hopping the wall isn't helping. So although it's tempting don't randomly jump over wherever you want and instead walk over to the gate, knock, and wait for me to let you in." Yichen stressed.

"Really? He seemed fine to me just now." Yi Xuan said.


"Don't assume you know my spouse better than me!" Yichen said after smacking his brother in the head.

"Hey, don't hit me. Sheesh, when did you become so violent? Seriously do you only know how to throw a punch since you got married." Yi Xuan said while staring at his brother's bruises.

"Shut up. I wouldn't have to fight if those bastards would leave me and my spouse alone." Yichen stated defensively. However he had to admit he really was fighting a lot.

"Forget it. I came here to talk to you about that guy from this afternoon. What's his name..."

"Fu Ling?"

"Yeah, him. Anyway dad brought him to the Yamen to be arrested for his involvement with the recent robberies, the attack on your place last night, and for trespassing today. He's definitely going to be sent to the frontlines." Yi Xuan reported.

"Tell dad I'll come by tomorrow to thank him."


"Is there anything else?" Yichen asked when his younger brother stood next to him unmoving.

"N... oh hey is that a new chicken coop? Did you buy some chickens?" Yi Xuan asked. The way he avoided Yichen's question was more than a little annoying. Yichen wished his brother would leave after giving him the message from their father.

"Why are you so excited? You've seen chickens before."

"I'm not interested in the chickens, but so am curious about this. Did you and Mochou build it yourselves? It's a bit strange in design but I can definitely see the appeal." Yi Xuan noted. He seemed strangely interested in the chicken coop as he patted and checked its construction.

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