Chapter 13. FUN WORKING.

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Julian POV,

Aah damn... I told you this kind of work is fun and you thought I was just bluffing , well.. count out the first and second day , the rest ones are lit!!

I started partying on Thursday including the weekend, I've made new friends, are they even friends? I know you gonna say am shameless and a pervert.. whatever,, it is what it is , I've slept with them during those parties and I hear am having a case because there are some girls who fought over me ! Now everyone at the company knows that I  slept with those girls and as if that isn't enough they are not just two!!

I didn't force anyone , before I sleep with any of them I always make sure they understand that there's no strings attached to that act, so why the f*ck were they fighting for ?!

I hate mondays as always, the wicked day of the week! But am cool because am having another wedding plan that I'll work on alone ! Working alone is fun, I really had fun with Carl and Ryan, now we're like good friends , I can't wait for them to come back from their honeymoon so that we can hang out , I'll pester them until they tell me about everything during their honeymoon !

Oh by the way , now I have Mrs. Henderson's heart , she likes me , no wait ! Not that like like , she now things am the best in her team and for that reason she won't make me do anything I don't want and she lets me do anything I want as long as am doing my work effectively, she even said I could go partying as long as work goes on well..
" What!??"
" Yeah , am sorry Julian but I tried to speak up for you but he insisted, besides , he doesn't change his mind once he decides something."

What the heck?! Seriously what's wrong with Adams? I can't make sitting at one point in the name of working, I'll be sleeping like all the time ! Is this the punishment he's giving me ? No , this won't work!

How can he tell Mrs. Henderson not to give me a  client, what we do in our department is non of his business! As long as the head of the department thinks that am doing great job , I'll have to stay away from him so that he doesn't pay much attention to me!

I think as I go to his office, I form my face into an innocent one , wait , he didn't come today?! How comes? The curtains are still drawn .

Ugh!! C'mooon! I take my phone and dial his number several times but he doesn't pick up! I send several messages without replies , of course he won't reply and I can see that he's online , ignoring me!!

"Mrs. Hend... why don't you just let me do it , he's not around and besides, I wont be stubborn this time so that he sees I've changed and for that reason he wont scold you."

" Am sorry dear but I can't go against him."
"Ugh! But when I sit here I'll be sleeping all day!"

"You'll have to try."

Ugh! Goddamnit!


The day goes on slowly, Henderson gives me some tasks to do of which I lazy around with until am done.

Finally it's 5pm , time to go home, am not in a great mood so am just gonna go home and watch a series or something ! Otherwise I would be going round and round till it's 10pm or so!

This idiot is really not gonna say shit? He's reading my messages and leaves them hanging! I haven't stopped texting  him since morning, now they are like a thousands of them including the calls that he's ignoring .

Why is that even bothering me ? I never let anything that look like stress touch me . For that reason, lemmie have some fun, I change my destination, not going home anymore!

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