Chapter 10. ADAM'S POV.

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Adam's POV,

' You should have known who you were messing with before you did!'He says , I know he's mimicking me .

What a stubborn brat! After going away panicking he comes back with full energy Just when I thought he'll give me some respect now that I freaked him out! But.. let's not say that it's the problem now ,, the problem now is that why am I feeling this warmth inside knowing that he hasn't gone home yet and he has come back to disturb me!?

Maybe I really did a mistake giving him the chance to work here , because my intention was to punish him for messing with me that morning but it seems like he's the one punishing me instead. He doesn't fear nor respect me even a little bit , he's really hurting my self esteem !

" Are you in the mood for hot coffee?" he asks coming to my working table, he sits on his one butt and puts the coffee near me , okay,, I don't know anything else I can say or do for him to atleast respect me ! We don't even know each other that much and he's sitting here like.. like who ? Even the closest person to me can't do this.

" First , remove your bones on my table and second, no am not in for coffee , so if you just go away and let me do my work because you are destructing me it would be great!" I say trying to sound serious but I don't think I've nailed it because he's still sitting on it looking at me with the expression that makes me wanna laugh but no am not doing that , if suppression of laughter kills , then let it kill me !

" You.. tell me nicely or else am not gonna get off , my butt is not bones! And don't call me that again! This is the second time!"

" Do you want me to get you off it?" I ask trying not to smirk so that he thinks am serious.

" Hell no , thanks ." He gets off immediately. I think he has gotten an idea of me that when I say something I mean it , at least I have one achievement.

" So,  no thank you?" He asks.
" For what?"
" I bought you coffee with my own money."
" You mean the money you stole from me in the mall?"
" Don't bring that up! And no I didn't steal , you gave it to me yourself, so are you drinking it or not because if not I'll take them and go, am late."

" You're always late everywhere everytime, so why do you wanna make it seem like it's a big deal ? And again as I said earlier I don't need it."

Oh.. I need it so bad.. I don't even remember the last time I put something in my mouth but I would rather die than drink it infront of him .

" Oh c'mooon, I've bought it especially for you.."
" when you say especially for me I can't help but think that you put in poison to kill me."

" You're so smart , aren't you?
Ungreatful jerk!"
" What did you call me ?"
"Sorry , I didn't me.." a knock on the door cuts him. Ugh! Who is it now, no one bothers me after work hours.

" Yes?"

A guard?

" Am so sorry sir , there are two people at the gate that says their son works here and he hasn't gone home yet and his phone is off so they wan..."

Julian cuts him "Ah.. that must be me, sorry for that.. I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Smith, and you should get off that chair now before you become a crippled!" He says running out and the guard follows.

I should get off this chair before I become a cripple,, what a brat? I take the coffee and gulp all down my throat, both two tins , how refreshing, aah..

I adjust  my face immediately after realizing that am smiling for no reason, this little boy is really doing shit to me , let me go back to work .

Twenty minutes later I realise that am staring at one page without reading shit! His stupid words replying several times in my head and his smiling face plastered on my brain , am smiling like a maniac!

This is bad.. what on earth am I doing? I decide to leave the office because it seems am like this because he has been here!

I'll work from home!!

But even then I still can't concentrate from home!

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