Chapter 26. CROSS_DRESS

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After we freshen up , I order some Chinese food , I was able to convince him to stay tonight, I have something I've been meaning to tell him but am so afraid of his reaction.

" Jul"
" Mmh?" He raises his head from my chest looking up at me , we were just relaxing and cuddling.

" There's a big problem.." I say feeling terrible because of the situation we're in.

" What is it?" He asks looking worried.
" My parents wanna marry me off to someone ."

He sits up , looking at me like am a completely crazy person. " What are you talking about? Adam, how old are you ? How can your parents decide what you do with your life , especially marrying you off to the person you don't want? And you let them do it ? You are just calm about it?! Or maybe you want that marriage and now you're just finding an excuse to make me leave you alone because how on earth can they choose for you?"

"Julian, if that was the case why would I ask you to be my boyfriend? Ever since my brother passed away all their attention has been on me , all I've ever wanted is to respect them and help them get over that pain of losing a child , I've been that little boy who does everything that they want me to do , and I have a reason for that Julian, my parents are both weak and anything small can knock them off , I can't loose anyone else , not even you Julian, even if it's not dying I just want you around me... I won't be able to take it if the three of you won't be with me anymore. "

" Then how can I be around you Adams if you're going to have someone else by your side?! Why does it have to hurt so much us being together?! How about just telling them the truth, that you're ga..."

" I can't , atleast not now." I cut him.

" so?"

" They are not forcing me to marry someone I don't want. I mean,  to them that's what it seems like because they asked me to take a woman to them , the one I want , by tomorrow and if not then that's when they are marrying me off to the one they got for me, they want someone that will inherit all these , they want grandchildren , and also my dad doesn't want me to end up like him or even worse, by immersing myself in work and end up lonely."

He doesn't say anything so I go on . "I had an idea and I know It won't sound good to you but if we have to keep what we have between us then we'll have no choice but risk ."

" What is it ?" He asks .

" I want to buy time by taking someone to them tomorrow. "

" Okay!" he says standing up as if he is done, and has nothing else to say to me , I could literally see the pain in his eyes , before he walks away I let out the part that has it all .

" And that someone is you ."

He turns looking me with a confused face. " How can it be me ?! Man.. you're so confusing, I think am gonna go crazy with all this! Why on earth did I let myself fall in love?! Because this... ?! I.."

" You regret loving me? Well me too , you know why? Because if I didn't fall in love with you I wouldn't care if they bring me a stranger to marry, I would have just done it without care and give then what they want!! So do you wanna do this or you don't?"

" How can you take me to them when..."

" Cross_dress" I blurt out

" What?!? Okay you've gone too far , am not doing that ! I can't..!! I can't do that!! If it has come to this point then let it be , there are alot of people who love each other but never got to be together and they didn't die."

" How can you say that ? Please do this for us , I promise I'll get us out of this situation, give me some time please , I can't loose you, and if I keep you without care am gonna loose my parents. Can you please understand me , you are the one who had just said that we should understand the situation, that we shouldn't stay away from each other."

" Okay , but until when?"
" Am not sure yet but I promise I'll make it quick and use this chance that you've given me ."

He doesn't say anything else .

" Thank you Jul "

" Mmh"

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