Chapter 31. DID IT!

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Adam's POV,

A month later ,

I can't believe how days go by so fast , a lot have actually happened , like I have started healing bit by bit , I've made progress, I stopped having dreams of my brother screaming at me , I guess I've started convincing myself that it wasn't all my fault . So julian was right , it makes me happy to know that my brother is still here with me , in spirit .

I've made a friend , Carl.. actually he's more of a brother to me , he forces me to go out which has been distracting me , they've made me too have a habit of going in a club every friday, we now talk about everything and he also tells me his problems and I offer advice when I can .

They come over most of the time , he has a very superb Hotel, he was offering me a job , to be the director but I told him I'll think about it .

And there's my sweetheart , oh by the way , his sister wedded a week ago , I was invited so I went .
And before that , oh my goodness, I have good news , so three weeks ago , Julian and I decided that we want to marry each other but neither of us was in for a dream wedding and all that so we've been processing our marriage certificate at the clerk's office. And I guess it's almost ready , so it's like we're married already .

We told his family and they never seem to have a problem with anything, as long he's fine , they've been a great family to me , I like all of them .

Actually lately I've been feeling happy even when some times everything that happened comes back at me , it's not like before when they were on me all the time , until I met Julian, that's when my mind started being diverse .

Another thing , Julian has been weird like from a month ago ! But don't get me wrong , he's not weird in a bad way but not like he used to be those other days . I think his friend is really spoiling his mind , not in a bad way anyway.

Like there's this time when he asked me if I knew gay s*x existed, that question got me off guard and I almost passed out from it .

Well , I knew it existed , but only after I had a wet dream with him in the picture, it wasn't so clear to me , so I searched on the internet and even went far by watching it !! Am sure You don't wanna know what happened to me after watching those videos so am just gonna stop here . 

Okay anyways , So Julian has been going extra miles in every make out we have like we used to ,  he would completely refuse to give up after we cum , as if he's looking for something more . It always takes  me all I have to stop myself from letting myself go . When he said at the beach that I said I had a s*x dream about him.. it was true , until now , I've been dying to have him . But I just cant !

Well , I know he wants to do it , but just because his friend told him , I want him to wanna do it because he feels like he wants it . But that is not the only reason why am not giving him what he wants, am afraid that it might feel the opposite of what he expects, after all am a 26year old virgin , better him because he's at least experienced  even if it's not with guys .

Where did he go anyway?!

" Okay!! Am tired of talking with sign language and you don't seem to understand so am just gonna say it! I wanna do it !"

Speak of the devil... he says walking in from the front door , where did he go without telling me anyway ? Maybe he didn't wanna wake me up , now days am so used to sleeping in the afternoons.

"Did you hear what I said ? "

" No , what was that again ?" I pretend.

" Forget it !" He throws the backpack he had on the couch walking towards the stairs. I hold his hand pulling him back . Seriously.. He's like this every time he goes out , he comes back dramatic but today he seems serious.

"C'mon, what is it baby?"

" Don't baby me right now when you know that mad , let me ask you something Adam.. am I that unattractive to you ?! Ho..."


He cuts me too . "Let me finish !! How comes you never have that desire to sleep me ? We live under one roof , sleep in same bed , I've showed you so many times that I really want you ! But you always brush me off!! I know you know and you always ignore me  , so tell me .. am I unattractive or you are not gay?! "

"I.. wh.. n"

" Speak up Ad.."

"Neither if them "

" Or are you that type of s*x before marriage is a sin ? Well good news , I went for our certificate and it was ready , I was given , it's in the back pack ! Check it out, and there's more in the bag , what we'll need the day you'll  feel you are ready, even if it's years to come.."

Oh my goodness! this is so embarrassing, now he thinks of me as a naive 26 year old! Well baby don't blame me of what's gonna happen because I think the thread just loosened.

I Capture his lips with mine unconsciously , walking him to the couch and on the way I take off his t shirt, and mine too , I kiss him on the neck , chest and lick his nipples which make him shudder , I must say.. I've really  improved so much in this , haven't I?

I pull down his sweat pant and takes it off and so do I, I push him on the couch and he lies on his back , I take off his boxers , actually we've already seen each other totally necked , we've played all the games that could be played in bed by lovers except for real s*x .

Julian let's out a sharp and loud sigh when I kiss and lick down his thighs, I got to know his weakness so.. why not tease him a little bit . My erection is throbbing in my boxers and am not sure how long I can keep it in there .

I take of my boxers too and lie back on top of him. " You are wrong when you say am not attracted to you ? I really want you so bad all the time that I have to fight myself to not loose it , I just want you to be sure that you are ready to do it , so Do you really want this ? " I ask breathing heavily and  barely letting out any voice .

" I want you " he answers whispering too, I could feel his heart pound against my chest and mine is no better.

I lift my upper body and sit on him still grinding us , I take the bag he came with which had dropped down by now , I open it and find the papers he had said but my interest is not there now , I deep my hand deeper and feel a bottle like , so I take it out , and again I deep my hand back and find a box of CDs.

" We don't have to use that if you don't want , and if you trust me . I know I slept around many times but I always made sure am safe , so if you trust me you can leave it because I real wanna feel you for you ." He says which evokes emotions in me , he wanna feel me and not some bladder or  something.     

" As you wish my love , I mean , even if you are sick won't it be better if we die together, I don't care Julian." I say opening the bottle of lube and apply on myself, and also on his anticipating pink pretty a*hole .

Slowly and bit by bit I let myself in , though it was a long journey I arrived after all , and though there were barriers in that journey it's totally worth struggling  because all I could feel is pleasure rupturing in me after making it to the destination , and I could tell that Julian  feels it too because of the s*xy sounds we both couldn't control.

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