Chapter 8. YOU ... ME!

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Seven minutes till thirty minutes are over!!!!

" Are you even listening, you're on your laptop  like since we arrived here!" He complains.

" Ofcourse am listening, am putting down everything, I don't want to miss anything.." well , the fact is that I haven't heard shit! But I have everything they are saying because am recording them with my phone! Thank G*d for my brilliant brain , am almost done with that beast's work!

" You said you have suggestions, was it just that one?"

" Mmh yeah , but many more are yet to come ! Did you like the one about the cake ?"

" Oh c'mon, I knew you were not listening, I told you to put it down because I love it!!"

" Send! Aah.." I sigh relaxing because am done with that idiot's work and I've sent , I don't care if there are mistakes!

But there's a problem on this end now.   " Look , I have everything you've said so don't  worry , why are you so hot tempered, it doesn't suit your pretty face at all, just smile and relax , you'll capture his heart more if you do that." I say winking and the morning guy laughs while the angry one blushes.

Damn !! Am I not just a genius?

" Okay seriously ." I say now giving them my all attention.  "Am so sorry for my mistakes , let's start over , am Julian , Julian Wilson , I'll be your planner and I want you  to know that am so into this, I'll do my best to make your wedding the most memorable and even have more people from this adorable community come out to wed too. I hope we work together well ."

" You talk too much Julian, Am Carl O'Brien." The one from morning says, damn I envy his personality, so mature , calm.. it's understandable maybe  because he's older , I guess he's almost thirty, maybe twenty nine..

" And am Ryan Harvoth."

" Cool, you guys look adorable. I can't help but want to know your story.. I mean we're friends, aren't we?"

" No we're not , and you are so nosy , stick to your work Julian!"

" c'mon Carl, dont be a meanie." I say smiling sheepishly, I just need something fun , I almost went crazy some few minutes ago.

" We met in highschool, that's all we're telling you!" Ryan says blushing.

Carl looks at him adorably like he's seeing him for the first time, like he's having a first crush on him , like it's a love at first sight happening just now, oh my...

" Highschool?! All those years ?" I ask completely surprised, how can people be together for all those years? It's just impossible, well, clearly to me!

Honestly I've never been in a relationship because I never wanna sleep with a girl a second time or even have the desire to be in  a relationship with any , I just wanna enjoy life , go wherever I wanna go and be with whoever I wanna be with, without anyone asking me shit!

" Yeah.. and we will see you when you see us , update us on the progress , tell us if all we want will be possible, and learn how to manage your time !" Carl says holding Ryan hand in hand walking away.

" Yes sir.." I say smiling at them. Wow , I actually never thought love existed until now!!

My phone vibrates and looking at the caller spoils my mood completely. So I turn it off!

Lately I haven't been with my phone so much like I used to ,and I have so many missed calls and unanswered messages, I haven't uploaded anything on my social media since the other day , damn am gonna loose friends , so I have to make others from work.

I order pizza and eat it all with a glass of passion juice , I don't get it , why do I eat so much but my weight remain as always!

Once am done, I put a lollipop in my mouth and head back to work!


" Paige you.."

Ugh! She ignore me like she didn't see me nor hear me at all, so she's done with the preparations and came back , she's mad at me because I failed her but am not gonna dwell on that so much , I said I never let anything bother me , so if she doesn't wanna talk that's cool, I won't bother myself with her either!

I put my laptop on the desk and go to see the one that was calling me earlier, I didn't want him to spoil my mood so I  turned off my phone.

My brain is still hovering around and I find myself opening the door without even knocking!

My eyes meets his angry face!

" Calm down, breath in.. out, my phone's battery died, but immediately I finished my meeting I ran as fast as I could to come see what you wanted. " I say walking closer , slowly reading his reaction.

" By the way,, today I have witnessed something so beautiful, do you wanna hear it ? " his face is now blank . "Am gonna just say it anyway, so am working on a gay plan wedding, you can't believe how adorable those two are! They've been together for like more than ten years but when they look at each other it's like they are falling in love for the first time!"

"And how exactly does that concern me?" He asks but not angry as he seemed earlier so I decide to press on because I think am making it .

" I was wondering if we could tried out ?" I ask smiling sheepishly, he's gonna kill me.  " Like you and I,, who knows ? Something beautiful could come out just like them !"

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