Chapter 25. LET'S DATE!

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Adam's POV,

" Why are you so quiet?" I ask wondering if I've gone too far since I've literally not been myself , so don't blame me..  it's not like him to be this quiet, am still lying on top of him with zero plans of getting off him , I could feel his heart beating against my chest.

" I have nothing to say." He says softly , he seem to have changed within those few weeks .

" You've been following me around with nothing to say?" I ask raising a brow.

He still doesn't say anything, okay this is literally not like him, isn't he happy that we're back together and talking?

I raise my head to look at him , turns out he's been crying silently, tears in his eyes . I sit up getting off him .

" Julian? Hey what's wrong ? Did I hurt you?" I ask extremely worried .

" I need to get back to work." He say sitting up and wiping the tears off his cheeks .

He picks his clothes from the floor.

" Shouldn't you atleast tell me what is going on in your mind? " I say hoping he says something.

" What is going on in my mind? Actually alot.. You've been treating me like some kinda crazy person , putting the guards on your door with the permission to throw me out of the company like am a mad man! I've been trying to talk to you , to explain myself even when I know I did nothing wrong other than just not telling you I arrived home well , but what did you do ? Show people that am a mad man and I should be thrown out of the company!? And as if nothing happen you make me come here just for you to feed your sexual desires , you don't love me am very sure , since the days you didn't hear my pleads out and give those men permission to throw me out!
You don't love me! So what else could be the reason why you did what you did?
You're going to marry, ain't you? And because you are so gay , and am the only person who know that, and you can be yourself while with me.. so you call me here in the name of business meeting only for you to satisfy yourself for the last time before you marry a woman." He talks non stop still crying.

" Are you implying that I've taken advantage of you ? Because if that's the case I'll report myself to the police station now." I say as if it's not a big deal .

He doesn't say anything and goes on putting on his clothes.

" Are you gonna go just like that ? I mean, it's so uncomfortable in your pants am sure, why don't you take a shower , I'll offer my clothes , oh by the way , there are clothes I bought for you, even the underwear, so feel free ." I say smirking

" Do you think am kidding around , you hurt me and you are just talking like it's nothing , this just confirms to me that you don't really love me."

" oh c'mon Julian , ain't you being too dramatic , Ofcorse I love you , I've always have , I guess from the first day in the mall.. I didn't just realise it . I guess that's why I've been entertaining your stubbornness , I did what I did because I was mad at you and broken at the same time . How about we put what happened behind us and focus on the yet to come." I say honestly not wanting to remember what I've gone through that first week that shit happened.

" What do you mean yet to come?" He asks not trying to go anymore. " And can you please cover yourself or put on clothes."

" Not yet." I say grinning like an idiot, damn I don't know why I keep grinning for no reason, I guess am just extremely happy that we're here together , that I have him here with me , I don't wanna think about any shit now .

"What do you mean not yet?!" He asks looking confused.

I pull him to the couch and no matter how much he resists am stronger than him so I manage to make him sit beside me anyways.

" Because I still wanna feel you , am not satisfied.." he flinches blushing but he looks to the other side smiling, thinking that I can't see his face . I don't know how things has changed between us but am glad that Now I have the upper hand , usually he was the one teasing me and I would panic and feel nervous even if I didn't show it! but now...

" Am not d.." he starts talking but I cut him .

" Let's date " I say simply but inside am nervous of what he's gonna say but somehow am assured of his answer.

" What?" He asks blushing even harder no matter how much he tries to hide it , it's still visible.

" I want you to own me and I want to own you, so.." I say smirking.

" Whatever"

" I guess that's a yes, so now we're boyfriends." He doesn't say anything. " Hey.. Say something baby."

" Let's not fight again, I know fights are inevitable but atleast let's try to understand the situation or even when we fight let's try and solve it without staying away from each other ,it just hur.." I hug him knowing exactly what he was gonna say.. it just hurt so much

"Am sorry" I say whispering still hugging him .
"Am sorry too ." He responds.

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