Chapter 2. Got a Job anyway.

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" Is it broken?" I ask the doctor after he examines it for a second.
"It's actually not that serious, It's just a scratch." He says reassuringly  .

" Really?" I ask unbelievably because it hurts , okay fine.. not that much!
" Yeah, I'll clean there then you can see it yourself. " he says.

" no wait ! " I take my phone out and take a selfie , blood on my nose and send it to my family's whatsapp group , with a caption " I fell so badly and now am in a hospital, but they won't treat me because they say I need to pay first , I think I've broke my nose .

They start calling me non stop , I don't need their calls , I need some money!

" Hunnie, where are you , I'll come see you right away ." Mom says the moment I pick up her call .

" You don't have to, I just need money to pay and after they treat me , I'll try and go for the interview , so no need to come ."

" You don't have to go to the interview  , you concentrate on getting better , I'll send you money right away , and update me after every minute, okay?"

" okay mom ." I say smiling and a minute later a message come in , and another message, and another.  Four of them , including dad , my brother and sister .

And now am rich again!! I didn't lie, did I? I mean, am hurt!

" Can you put there a bigger bandage, am going for an interview and am late but I must attend it , maybe if they see me this hurt they'll understand the reason am late!" I tell the doctor and he looks at me with an amused expression but still does what I've asked him.

"Naughty , anyway don't you think this suit of yours is too big for your tiny body?!" He asks.

" Not really , thank you." I answer paying and rushing towards the door after he's  done ! I know why people are looking at me strangely today, the suit is way bigger for me , but I must wear a suit to look decent and ready for work, shouldn't I? I didn't even try it on , I just picked it and pay and shuu.. I was gone, mom laughed the whole time yesterday and even this morning  , but I don't give a shit as long as am wearing a suit!

I skate faster than I should , and it's God's grace that I've arrived without an accident occuring .

My facial expression changes when I arrive and even if the person at the recipient says that am late , I don't give up , I show her the saddest face ever , I seriously need this job! Besides , I've been practicing the whole night for the interview, my efforts can't just go unappreciated!

"I swear if it wasn't for that accident  , I wouldn't be late , regardless the pain am in , I've still managed to rush here , don't you think it would be unfair to refuse me like this?" I press on.

" Okay fine , follow me , but I can't guarantee that you'll have an opportunity because the person conducting the interviews today doesn't tolerate nonsense , no matter the situation or the reason!" She says .

" Wait here , I'll see the situation inside , the last person that was interviewed just left and am sure the chapter is closed."

" okay" I say and the moment she goes in and closes the door , I follow going near the door to eavesdrop.
Yeah shit! He's not gonna let me in no matter what she says , so Imma just go inside and fight for myself!

So I knock and without even waiting for the permission to enter.. I open and go inside.

And holy f*ck!! I shouldn't have come!! Okay,, is this my imagination or what?! But then..Why would I be imagining about this idiot who broke my nose anyway?!

I see on his face a surprised expression but his face goes blank immediately  , for a minute he smiles amusingly and evily and the other minute is anger!!

Nooo.. this is bad!

" I'll let him have his chance!" He says simply .

What ?! He's gonna let me have the interview?? I thought he's gonna have the guards through me out ! After all I just heard him saying that a no is a no and the lady shouldn't waste his time because he doesn't go back on his words .

She goes out closing the door . " So ?"
He groans again narrowing his eyes at me , for the first time am feeling so nervous in my life because of how annoyed he looks, and anger pouring out of his eyes .

Suddenly I make up my mind because I know for sure that he isn't going to let me work here, and for that reason I have nothing to fear about.

I go sit on the chair infront of them , without being told.

" No one asked you sit." He says.

"I've been waiting to be asked for some time now but no one did , and as you can see am not feeling so well , I had an accident this morning, someone broke my nose and my leg , so can I just sit even if you didn't ask? Anyway, am Julian Wilson and am so sorry for being late but it wasn't intentional, and thanks for letting me have my chance anyway ."

" Mr. Wilson, just by the way you are speaking and acting we already see from that , that you're not the kind of worker we're looking for!" One of them say but he cuts him.

" No, I think we should pick him , I mean, he's in pain but he still managed to rush here, he's exactly what we're looking for! A determined person!" He says sarcastically.

I couldn't believe my ears. I look at him shocked beyond words but the side of his mouth raises , smirking at me evily  .

" But sir.." the other trys to argue .
" That's final ! And you're starting now!" He says eying me and walks out of the room .

" What the hell?! Is he serious?" They start asking among themselves, saying how he didn't even interview me like he interviewed other people and how they did great than me !

A minute later that same lady comes in with a paper full of many words that irritates my eyes , she ask me to sign, I don't even read anything on it and sign, she goes away .

This man is upto something!! But who cares what he's up to,, I have a job, huhuu..

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