Chapter 21. STUPID ME!!!

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" Oh shit!! " F* ck was I sleeping or what ? How can I fall on the stairs with all this light ? Mybe my mind been far away .

" Hunnie , did you hurt yourself?"

" No mom , just my knee but not that bad it's okay , my phone .. I think it's dead!" I say sitting on the stairs looking at the phone that looks like it's been chewed by a hungry.. what ? I don't know . Mom comes with the first aid box .


Next morning,

" Maaan! Am so hungry !" I say fumbling with sandwitch with a glass of milk , I finish in an blink of an eye but my stomach is as empty as I was before eating anything. Fried eggs, pancakes and another glasses of milk !

" Aah.. better!" I sigh feeling satisfied.

" So your phone broke ? Do we need to get you another one or we can just fix that one ? " dad ask chewing on his sandwich.

" Dad ! He's working! Let him sought his problems now , you were the one who said we should stop spoiling him and now you are the one doing exactly that!" Jack opposes , what the f* ck is wrong with him lately ! He's really being b*tchy to me . Okay we kinda fight all the time but he actually cares , but he's been worse lately.

" I just wanted him to get a job , atleast he tried , am so happy because he finally did something right!"

" Yeah , dad is right , finally you did something meaningful. " cara says patting my head smiling.

" Thanks , but I'll buy one for myself. " I say feeling mature because now I'll get something with the money I sweated for myself.

" Do you need a ride , am going out !" Jack asks .

" No , thanks "

" Weren't you going to buy a phone?" He asks

" Not today" I answer , today I just wanna relax.

" Won't Mr. CEO be worried if he finds you off for long , or did you talk to him with a laptop?" He presses on making me start thinking of something I've been pushing away from my brain , I couldn't sleep well last night because of him !

" I have nothing to say to him now , so am in no hurry . " I say shrugging off the topic . He probably won't call me , I f*cked up yesterday!

" Changed my mind , won't go too ." I knew he just wanted to take me and probably pay for it..

" You didn't wanna go , you wanted to take me ." I tell him and he pretends that am wrong .

The day goes on so first and Saturday dies , the next day we're sitting in the living room all of us watching our favourite comedy series , 'Friends '

" Hunnie, are you sure you are okay?" Mom asks for a thousandth time .

" Mom, really now ? Am totally fine !"

" Then why are you staying indoors for a whole weekend, this is unlike you ! If you are still worried about Ada..."

" Don't mention him now.." everytime somebody mentions him my body goes numb , this idea of him thinking that am really a slut has refused to get off my brain , it's really disturbing me, so am trying to avoid thinking about him with no success!

Everyone is quiet all over sudden and am wondering why because they've been laughing and commenting on the series we're watching.

I raise my head to look at them and find their head staring towards the front door with surprise written all over their faces . My head turns involuntarily only for my eyes to meet the very ones of Adams Smith!

He's got to be kidding me ! How did he know my house ?! Even if he knows why the hell is he hear , o o he doesn't look so good ! He might have heard me say that mom shouldn't mention him , our guard is infront of him , but he's taller than him so he's staring at me over my his head .

" Uh.. thank you ." He tells the guard , who goes out after my dad nodding to him.

" Uh.. Hi , Am sorry for coming over without a notice , am Adams , Adams Smith.. Julian's employer.. "

" We alredy know you , my goodness you look even better in person . You welcome , have a sit !" My sister says smiling broadly at him , almost blushing. Is she forgetting that she's someone's fiance?!

" I can't stay , I am supposed to be somewhere for a meeting, I just came to confirm that he's fine , I mean he left the company at late hours and his phone been off , I couldn't help but be worried that something might have happened to him ! I care about all my employees , that's why I ran over ! But now that I've confirmed he's fine and happy , I'll beg to leave , thank you ." He adds 'happy' intentionally and sarcastically.

He turns around not sparing me even a single glance , he is so mad , no , not mad but he looks broken , I could see in his eyes that he's going to cry the moment he gets in his car because I've seen him cry before !

I stand up immediately he turns , my legs feeling weak but I force them to do their work !

" Adams ? Wait.. Adams? " he literally ignore me walking even faster .

I run catching up with him on the door and hold his hand turning him around , there are tears already on his cheeks but he wipes them immediately , taking his hand out of mine .

" Am a joke to you, ain't I? You probably think am so stupid for believing you , am just a joke to you , my love for you is a joke to you, after what we did I thought that maybe we have moved a step ahead but no ! I think I was terribly wrong . You go switching off your phone after that , do you know how worried I've been because of you? I've had sleepless night with a restless day for someone who is totally fine having fun!! They shouldn't mention me?? Ha! Very well Wilson , now I think my heart is convinced of what kind of a person you are , I hope now it'll stop bothering me about you , I hope it'll stop yearning for you!"

" Adams , you've got it all wrong ! " I try to defend myself but he doesn't look like he's gonna listen .

" You can't fool me anymore Wilson , quit it already!! " he yells .

" I fell on the stairs and my phone broke badly it's not working! I was gonna get a new one th.."

" You have a laptop , don't you ? You should have atleast told me that! Besides, haven't you just said now that no one should mention me to you?!"

" It's not what yo..."

" Am done with you ! I have nothing personal to do you with you , you are an employee and am your employer, I don't wanna ever talk to you of anything if not work related and don't come following me around because I will do something that I won't like myself . I hope you still remember that when I make a decision about something, I mean it and I won't change my mind for whatever reason!!"

He says seriously walking away, even when I try to talk he doesn't listen at all.

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